Iam looking for an Hw wallet and Iam worried about the uniqueness from their seeds.
My understanding so far is, that the seed is created randomly from the words known by an hardware wallets dictionary.
The seed is afterwards used by the device as root to create private keys and public addresses correspondingly for any crypto transaction.
From my understanding it is not impossible that 2 different hw wallets create the same seed and therefore might overlap afterwards with the same private keys.
Please explain why iam wrong?
First of all: This has been asked multiple times already ... next time you should better do some search on your own before asking.
Secondly: beginners will not help you much so would be great to move this topic into
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=37.0 to get better support. (use bottom left link)
If you'll be lucky DannyHamilton will provide you exhaustive explanation (i love his answers to similar questions )
Meanwhile I will reffer you to eg:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=681206.0 or
https://www.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/6cjvam/probability_of_seed_phrase_collisionbrute_forcing/TLDR: It is possible, but the chances are is so small, it can be considered as impossible.