I have a pyramining account I'm growing uncomfortable with, it's worth 6.24 btc because it has chained accounts. It's probably worth more than that since it has referrals that are shown empty, probably ASIC deposits.
It's almost paying out for the first time, it pays out every 0.1 btc
http://www.pyramining.com/account/browse?id=zfthgsabDeposit address: 1KdzszHK42c3aQU466gYHHZMkatU7qMte8
Payout address: 1ELdPDotRQMLJQxRC6o7vEF9qDKPGkXSQ6
Total deposited amount: 5.24 BTC
Equivalent hashing power: 58.3MH/s
Current bonus: 22.6%
Average bonus: 21.6%
Pending rewards: 0.08741208 BTC
Sent rewards: 0.0 BTC
I haven't used the payout address for anything else but this, will sign message with it.
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