A question asked from one of our social media channel and adding it to update everyone.
Eivind Del Fierro: Why would this need a decentralized token? The use of it as a payment system is pretty weak and can be done with current systems these days. Your team also has nobody that specializes in information technology or blockchain. Why should we invest in this when we have other great ICOs such as decentralized exchanges and all that jazz?
Thank for your question. The token will not be only use as a payment system, we have been developing a rewarding system, where parents and activity providers earn Afterschool tokens (AST) for their successful contributions to our service. Afterschool token will represent the unit of our community driven concept and the service’s growth depend on it. In the future, we aim for the afterschool token to become a go-to digital currency for the education industry as a whole. Besides using the tokens on the Afterschool platform, there will also be an array of smart contracts connected with after school industry where the token will be used as a core digital currency.
Why invest to us? We believe using blockchain technology is an opportunity to keep our platform relevant and can be use not only by activity providers that can pay the expensive subscription but anyone who provides activities for children, this is a huge initiative specially in the emerging market where avg order value is so little that not everyone can acquire a platform for their company to grow and to be more effecient. This also allows us to be on top of rapidly moving trends.
Another reason why invest to us is afterschool already exist as an awesome marketplace and booking management platform and generating revenue, where you can find and book activities for your kids. Afterschool is the first of its kind in the ICO, unlike with the other ICOS out there which is just an existing concept and still the idea stage.
By buying afterschool tokens, you are contributing to a project that already has value and a community covering our backs. Our team have been working with our partner’s agency that provides technology development to international companies for almost 15 years which includes Dapp development and other use of blockchain technology.
If you have any question or you want to get an update with the latest news about afterschool's ICO. Please visit one of the following links below
https://medium.com/@AfterschoolWhite Paper:
https://tokensale.afterschool.ae/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/afterschool-ico.pdf Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/afterschool.ae/ Slack: