puddingpop is a "type" of pool setup. (It does EXTRA checking, to confirm your actual work. It may just use special drivers that handle this "different" style of work.)
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Remote_minerIf you installed the program (some special form of miner)... or joined a puddingpop format server... then it is NOT a trojan.
However, if you didn't install a miner, and you just woke-up after visiting facebook and playing some farmville style game, and got that warning the next day... then it IS a trojan, because you didn't put it there.
The warnings are because someone "added a miner" to an unsuspecting game/website/flash and was using everyone's computers to earn them money. Thus, "virus", the "Trojan" component is the auto-update, which downloaded a "special" update to deliver coins to a special wallet, and run the program in stealth service mode, while giving the hacker access with the RPC commands.
All these programs use PRC commands, but unless you enable them, they do not communicate with the outside world. The virus scanners do not check to see if RPC is being used, just that RPC exists, and same with the miner. It is not seeing if YOU installed it, or set it up, or looking to see if it runs with a "GUI". (non hidden).
I assume you are fine and safe. Since the program is "expected".
That may just be puddingpop-support, should you need to connect to that special type of server. Even if you didn't use it, the "support" for that miner style is there.