Лeгкo yпpaвлять вpeмeнeм знaя cкoлькo нeoбxoдимo выдeлить - 30 -240 минyт чacтями ыв 4-8 интepвaлoв...Или зa cчёт cнa или чeгo-тo дpyгoгo. Гopaздo cлoжнee, ecли нe яcнo, вo cкoлькo влoжишcя...
Please do speak in english I need people reply here.
Actually it's very hard for anyone to give time in real life world life job and online work in Bitcointalk. That's why i quit my real life job and try to focus on my online job .. I always try to give almost 10 hours for online works . I love my this work because i have no bindings .. I work when i wants to do ..
So Mate what are type of job you do here? Can you share it here. What is that need skills? To your chosen work here? Is the money you earn good for daily life expenses?
In other words how do you manage your time when it comes to joining campaigns or other stuff that can let you earn money?
"In other words let me try to explain this question to you in the exact same way twice..."
When it comes to managing your time with anything,
moderation is best. Sit down, focus, complete a task, then move on to something else. You're a student? You should be a master of time management. You have multiple classes, each with its own curriculum and syllabus and deadlines for assignments and tests. You should be giving
us tips!
The first campaign, Primedice, was asking people to make 50+ posts per day! Fucking nuts...and clearly the campaign that created spamming on this forum.
So what is the needed skill? In other words can you tell me the thing that a moderator do?
I would like to inform you Iam a working student in working hours no hard duties so still have time but Iam asking this one for future use or reference. I am in my mid 20s and did not finish school so I stop for work but now working student.