The guy thats selling "Digital Goods" DemonSlayer and is on Skype at @RodayDruggie, that is a scam. I've sent him $200 in Bitcoin for goods, never seen it, dude stop responding.
His forum is at I've contacted the admins and waiting for their reply. I have the TX ID and screenshots to prove it. Don't get scammed by this lowlife.
Well, what can you expect from someone with that Skype user name? If the payment was meant for you-know-what-i-mean goods, then you can forget about escalating this issue to law enforcement.
Always use escrow. It's the best way to protect yourself when transacting with strangers. Especially new members with self-moderated threads. What were you thinking when you sent him $200 upfront? Did you forget such a thing as photoshop exists? And that those digital goods on his (now dead) thread might have been doctored or sourced from google images?
Amazing how despite so much caution and scam warnings, these scammers still manage to pinch money right before the eyes of vigilant DT members.
And all those fake vouches. You fell for those?