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Author Topic: Will Btc drop near 2k?  (Read 3782 times)
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September 24, 2017, 08:33:04 PM

Bitcoin's current price levels are showing strength and holding tightly above the 3000 area.
The way it consolidated from such a stressful level shows that the whole drama has finally come to an end and it is currently gonna hold between 3500 - 4000 and may rally once November kicks in and issues which hinder it hard will get out of its way.
It look like as the price of Bitcoin want to breakout $3,000 in few months ago, Bitcoin also dropped to $1xxx but it did not keep in a long time. Only three hours it had recovered to $2xxx and kept in that price range.
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September 24, 2017, 11:37:06 PM

I want to doubt that bitcoin will ever be dropping again near $2,000. Just don't speculate backwards as we must be heading forward and we shouldn't rely on this price anymore. Look that we didn't missed another bad news from false news spreader and also from a demon FUD that starts to do something crazy again and keeps on hitting crypto currency as of the moment. The price didn't reflect from these words so we are good now.






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September 25, 2017, 12:04:58 AM

I want to doubt that bitcoin will ever be dropping again near $2,000. Just don't speculate backwards as we must be heading forward and we shouldn't rely on this price anymore. Look that we didn't missed another bad news from false news spreader and also from a demon FUD that starts to do something crazy again and keeps on hitting crypto currency as of the moment. The price didn't reflect from these words so we are good now.

Yup! I agree with you I really think that we would not see the flat $2000 mark value ever again and in the recent FUD that Dimon guy ever spouted have surely drop much value from bitcoin this time his thought about it never reach certain users, I think some have known that his words about bitcoin are only nonsense or maybe because Bill Gates positive feed back about bitcoin give them the edge to rely on it, because Gates is a humanitarian that they realize that bitcoin can surely be a solution in the poverty in certain poor countries, maybe that is the way people think right now, there are a many ways that is why bitcoin value are dropping and rising at the same time right now.
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September 25, 2017, 04:37:06 AM

I want to doubt that bitcoin will ever be dropping again near $2,000. Just don't speculate backwards as we must be heading forward and we shouldn't rely on this price anymore. Look that we didn't missed another bad news from false news spreader and also from a demon FUD that starts to do something crazy again and keeps on hitting crypto currency as of the moment. The price didn't reflect from these words so we are good now.

Yup! I agree with you I really think that we would not see the flat $2000 mark value ever again and in the recent FUD that Dimon guy ever spouted have surely drop much value from bitcoin this time his thought about it never reach certain users, I think some have known that his words about bitcoin are only nonsense or maybe because Bill Gates positive feed back about bitcoin give them the edge to rely on it, because Gates is a humanitarian that they realize that bitcoin can surely be a solution in the poverty in certain poor countries, maybe that is the way people think right now, there are a many ways that is why bitcoin value are dropping and rising at the same time right now.

$2,000 flat is never going to happen again let's just think that we are on up pattern right now and don't ever think that bitcoin will be dropping again near $2,000. And because of those FUD this is mostly the reason why the price is falling and people are keep on selling their bitcoins because they are fear of missing out  as the price might go lower and they don't want that to happen.






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September 25, 2017, 06:22:15 AM

I felt like I missed a great opportunity at selling high and buying low when it reached 5k and drop to 4k a couple of days ago. Now it happened again from 4k to 3k. You think it will happen a third time, from 3k to 2k?

Very unlikely this will happen.

However, it is possible if enough panic is generated thrtough the closure of the BTCChina exchange and if media continues to upload negative news articles about bitcoin and spread rumors regarding the Chinese bitcoin scene.

We have strong support at $3k as well as $2k - demonstrated by the last dump. Otherwise, we'd be already at $2.5k which we are far from.
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September 25, 2017, 06:38:19 AM

I don't think so that bitcoin price would fall down to $2,000.Even when bitcoin's price fell to $3,000 due to china's actions of banning ICOs and strictly regulating bitcoin exchanges,we saw an immediate recovery to almost $4,000.It clearly showed that there is a huge buy wall which has prevented bitcoin price from falling more.Its because bitcoin has users world wide and it is no more dependent on a single country for its progress.

So,its better to buy now.But if you still wait with the hope of bitcoin price to fall below $2,000,then you would have to regret just like people who regret for not buying bitcoins at $1,850 before august 1 just expecting price to fall more.

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September 25, 2017, 06:55:50 AM

I felt like I missed a great opportunity at selling high and buying low when it reached 5k and drop to 4k a couple of days ago. Now it happened again from 4k to 3k. You think it will happen a third time, from 3k to 2k?

It shouldn't drop that low any time soon or at least this year.

We have very very firm support at $3k. When we see price drop down below that it is always temporary and very short lived, and very very soon the price is able to bounce back up again because people know that it is a cheap level to accumulate at.

Next year i think we may see $2.5k per coin as the bull market slows down, but still, $2k seems unlikely.
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September 25, 2017, 02:36:46 PM

inevitably like all currencies it will have a dip but there's no point in waiting and sniping the dip. you should consider now or any point at which you look at the currency the low point and start buying in from there, there's of course other schools of thought and other strategy behind this but buy-and-hold is a time with strategy no matter when you enter.

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September 25, 2017, 04:37:18 PM

I don't want btc fall to $2K. There's no compelling reason to push it down the way it once was. I am optimistic that, even btc will be more expensive again next few years.

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September 25, 2017, 06:50:36 PM

I don't think so that price will fall back to $2000 it would struck in $3500 to $4000 for some time.Even if it falls to $2k it will be a opportunity to buy bitcoins at a lower rate and this will be profitable in future as bitcoins will rise again and reach a new level.This drop is temporary cause of China banning ICOs and maybe banon bitcoins exchanges, Bitcoin will recover from this soon.
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September 25, 2017, 06:56:49 PM

I don't think so that price will fall back to $2000 it would struck in $3500 to $4000 for some time.Even if it falls to $2k it will be a opportunity to buy bitcoins at a lower rate and this will be profitable in future as bitcoins will rise again and reach a new level.This drop is temporary cause of China banning ICOs and maybe banon bitcoins exchanges, Bitcoin will recover from this soon.

Ya I think as like you. The price of bitcoin will never or ever goes near to 2000$ at all .Few week back,China banned the bitcoin, what is the lowest value reach of bitcoin. It's only the value of 3100$.Now the Chinese traders are moved to they also start to mine.I think the price of bitcoin will reach the value of 5000$ at this end of the month. If so,the long term holders will have very huge profit.
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September 25, 2017, 09:48:55 PM

I felt like I missed a great opportunity at selling high and buying low when it reached 5k and drop to 4k a couple of days ago. Now it happened again from 4k to 3k. You think it will happen a third time, from 3k to 2k?
Every body want to buy bitcoin at the cheaper of $2,000 but may not be possible for now, even if China should ban bicoin, it's market value may not nosedive to the turn of $2,000. I don't see it coming though but if it eventually happen, that will create an avenue for people like me to buy more.
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September 26, 2017, 12:03:23 AM

I don't think it will go below 2200-2300 resistance, if it does it will cause mass hysteria and could be the end of all crypto currencies.

A realistic bottom could be 2700 but even that is bad.

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September 26, 2017, 02:47:10 AM

I don't think so that price will fall back to $2000 it would struck in $3500 to $4000 for some time.Even if it falls to $2k it will be a opportunity to buy bitcoins at a lower rate and this will be profitable in future as bitcoins will rise again and reach a new level.This drop is temporary cause of China banning ICOs and maybe banon bitcoins exchanges, Bitcoin will recover from this soon.

Ya I think as like you. The price of bitcoin will never or ever goes near to 2000$ at all .Few week back,China banned the bitcoin, what is the lowest value reach of bitcoin. It's only the value of 3100$.Now the Chinese traders are moved to they also start to mine.I think the price of bitcoin will reach the value of 5000$ at this end of the month. If so,the long term holders will have very huge profit.
I never believe that bitcoin value were fall down into $2000, because were all knows that even bitcoin project is successful in crypto currency industry. The developers of this coin were not stop improving it, due to they want to return the satisfaction of all users.
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September 26, 2017, 04:14:42 AM

If bitcoins will dropped at 2k or less than. I will buy as much as bitcoins I can buy. That' the right moment to invest in bitcoins. But in the other side the people who holds and already invested in bitcoins, they will worried if this phenomenon happens. For me I still have faith in bitcoins what ever happens. I still continue bitcoining as long as I have free time. I'm usually gaming in my free time but now I'm bitcoining in my free time Smiley
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September 26, 2017, 05:54:16 AM

I think the bitcoin price will not touch the $2000 figure anymore for the next and so on. I'm sure the bitcoin price will continue to lead to altitudes well above $2000 figure.
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September 26, 2017, 06:19:34 AM

many of us don't want bitcoin price drop near 2k including myself. but i think every possibility could be happen as we know bitcoin price is volatile and many people is still gets panic when they know bad news is release. we need to be strong hand to make the price is up more than $38xx and even for reaching $4k. i hope that there is no bad news that cause people going to sell their bitcoin and makes bitcoin drop again like before.







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September 26, 2017, 06:32:27 AM

I don't think so that price will fall back to $2000 it would struck in $3500 to $4000 for some time.Even if it falls to $2k it will be a opportunity to buy bitcoins at a lower rate and this will be profitable in future as bitcoins will rise again and reach a new level.This drop is temporary cause of China banning ICOs and maybe banon bitcoins exchanges, Bitcoin will recover from this soon.

Ya I think as like you. The price of bitcoin will never or ever goes near to 2000$ at all .Few week back,China banned the bitcoin, what is the lowest value reach of bitcoin. It's only the value of 3100$.Now the Chinese traders are moved to they also start to mine.I think the price of bitcoin will reach the value of 5000$ at this end of the month. If so,the long term holders will have very huge profit.
I never believe that bitcoin value were fall down into $2000, because were all knows that even bitcoin project is successful in crypto currency industry. The developers of this coin were not stop improving it, due to they want to return the satisfaction of all users.

I keep looking for that to be happen to buy some but the price of bitcoins for now seems go stable and maybe this is a good basis for us to see that there are upcoming pump will be happen to the btc and we should stay watching for this one closely so that we can earn whenever the pump started to occur, and 2000$ downwards seem impossible to see and we should expect that soon 5000$ will hit on our heads on the future.
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September 26, 2017, 12:54:46 PM

I felt like I missed a great opportunity at selling high and buying low when it reached 5k and drop to 4k a couple of days ago. Now it happened again from 4k to 3k. You think it will happen a third time, from 3k to 2k?
Every body want to buy bitcoin at the cheaper of $2,000 but may not be possible for now, even if China should ban bicoin, it's market value may not nosedive to the turn of $2,000. I don't see it coming though but if it eventually happen, that will create an avenue for people like me to buy more.
Of course the price of Bitcoin can not decreases to $2,000 early in this year, not easy to dump near that price while the Bitcoin community very strong as now. But, remember it does not means the price of Bitcoin never drop down to $2,000 again, it will happen in someday.

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September 26, 2017, 03:58:37 PM

I felt like I missed a great opportunity at selling high and buying low when it reached 5k and drop to 4k a couple of days ago. Now it happened again from 4k to 3k. You think it will happen a third time, from 3k to 2k?
All has the possibilities on sudden price decrease but seeing on the price support of bitcoin its hard to to believe that it would reach again 2k price.Just like yours im always regretting on not to buy on those possible bottom prices and seeing the price have climbed up and i do say to myself that i did miss again on making some good money on those movements.

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