Current Network Hash: 199.02 Mh/s
Current Difficulty: 4.799
Market Capitalization: $19,533.51
Current Price: 0.00001780 btc
Number of 500 reward blocks remaining: 678
I just wish this pool site would pay me for the blocks I mined a few days ago, 18788, 18798, 18821,18834, 18842, 18849, 18858, 18875, 18885,18963,18971,18996, 19006, 19031.
Why mine a site that doesn't pay you for your work? or should I say electricity?That site is having terrible luck with block finding the last 24 hours. Most blocks are 2 or 3 x normal find estimates and there are numerous ones that are 4 or 5 x the estimated find time. That means losing lots of money
The payouts take a few hours to hit but you should have definitely been paid for those already. Problem is that there is no proof you mined them the site lacks the ability to check...
These blocks are from a few days ago when blocks were being solved every minute or so. I recorded every block solved to check against my transaction log. I found about 30% were not being paid so I sent an email and got paid for those. Same thing the next day, again an email and got paid. 3rd day again sent an email no pay and no reply!!They know I am right!! So please pay!!!You are not correct.
All valid blocks have been paid out.
All blocks that are missed by the standard mmCFE software are caught by our custom script. Our custom 'catcher' script will only catch and pay blocks that were not originally caught and have over 200 confirmations. We have caught and paid out on hundreds of blocks that mmCFE did not catch. The blocks you have listed were either orphans or the transaction information cannot be found for them.
18788 = orphan - 0 confirmations
18798 1371531373 13073ec749798bc94c9c8526b4502c6ca97269d485e1bc551ec6a6934c1b4001 145 3.77814785 500
megacoind getrawtransaction 13073ec749798bc94c9c8526b4502c6ca97269d485e1bc551ec6a6934c1b4001 1
error: {"code":-5,"message":"No information available about transaction"}
18821 1371534163 c646de772a775d88a8df001c48cb5c20ad461c72514914acc299a335f93e2d3f 151 3.94270526 500
megacoind getrawtransaction c646de772a775d88a8df001c48cb5c20ad461c72514914acc299a335f93e2d3f 1
error: {"code":-5,"message":"No information available about transaction"}
18834 1371536035 f74b127c4cab69b7139e1adac456b74baaf216f2ec0e9c32562f08f3c3ac82bc 146 3.995536 500
megacoind getrawtransaction f74b127c4cab69b7139e1adac456b74baaf216f2ec0e9c32562f08f3c3ac82bc 1
error: {"code":-5,"message":"No information available about transaction"}
18842 1371537534 f1713109aea26d1aae29aba82047933b2b375718f11774594dc6ddb05617dc3c 144 4.04602402 500
megacoind getrawtransaction f1713109aea26d1aae29aba82047933b2b375718f11774594dc6ddb05617dc3c 1
error: {"code":-5,"message":"No information available about transaction"}
I am not going to go through all blocks you mentioned as I am 99.9% sure they will all be the same.
Here is an example of a recent block where the tx information is valid:
megacoind getrawtransaction 7da5d5cf4802a82d2af3c6ca2e199857e3babfae273d43e5806534b2d9aea25d 1
"hex" : "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fffff
"txid" : "7da5d5cf4802a82d2af3c6ca2e199857e3babfae273d43e5806534b2d9aea25d",
"version" : 1,
"locktime" : 0,
"vin" : [
"coinbase" : "020650062f503253482f04f29dc35108f8004f62010000000d2f7374726174756d506f6f6c2f",
"sequence" : 0
"vout" : [
"value" : 500.00000000,
"n" : 0,
"scriptPubKey" : {
"asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 f34a8b39b63f7deb04988ac26230a174e9781a72 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex" : "76a914f34a8b39b63f7deb04988ac26230a174e9781a7288ac",
"reqSigs" : 1,
"type" : "pubkeyhash",
"addresses" : [
"blockhash" : "c444f1e09e0c884e4238f2e57728b31ad4c02f8014f1094de3475d2b21aaf2aa",
"confirmations" : 87,
"time" : 1371774442,
"blocktime" : 1371774442
I dont know why the transactions cannot be found for the blocks you mentioned that were not orphans but the pool cannot pay out on transactions with invalid or missing transaction information.
So far the pool has found close to 2000 blocks and paid out close to 1,000,000 coins so I would consider the problems with that handful of blocks relatively minor.
If you dont trust the pool please mine elsewhere.