skjus (OP)
Activity: 22
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September 24, 2017, 10:50:27 AM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
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physics, mathematics and engineering
September 24, 2017, 10:58:25 AM |
Well it would be good if you understand the economic background behind it and have basical knowledge of the technology behind it (what is a blockchain?,...) Furthermore always remember don´t invest more than you can afford 
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Activity: 26
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September 24, 2017, 11:04:43 AM |
We must take a unique opportunity and earn btc.Before using bitcoin avoid common pitfalls.
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September 24, 2017, 11:11:36 AM |
It seems to me that to begin with to determine for yourself whether you believe in bitcoin. The price of bitcoin is unstable and we often witness the dumps. At such moments, all who do not believe in bitcoin to panic and lose their money. that is why it is important to first define for yourself.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 2164
September 24, 2017, 11:19:55 AM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
First, I would recommend learning in-depth about Bitcoin, here's a good list of resources:, choose how you will be storing your coins - hardware wallet/paper wallet/software wallet or online wallet (not recommended!). Also develop your backup plan so you won't lose your coins if your wallet will fail. And third - hodl. Bitcoin trading is very risky, you can lose money on both buying and selling, so if you don't have skills and experience, better just be a long term investor.
Activity: 85
Merit: 0
September 24, 2017, 11:27:09 AM |
Well it would be good if you understand the economic background behind it and have basical knowledge of the technology behind it (what is a blockchain?,...) Furthermore always remember don´t invest more than you can afford  The best advice for me  You can also add the buy low, sell high tip from some of the experts 
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1169
September 24, 2017, 11:51:25 AM |
In my very opinion when your gonna start in earning or investing with bitcoin you will need to be equip first with the right knowledge needed so you can ready for the ups and down on bitcoin up ahead, I think that is the most basic thing to do and always ask question on this forum or read previous comments on what you may learn from every threads and section of this Forum, and always read news about bitcoin so you can be ready on what will happen to the value of bitcoin.
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Activity: 668
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September 24, 2017, 12:10:48 PM |
I think it's better you need a confident name, if you are not confident in following bitcoin then do not have to follow bitcoin. because in following the bitcoin needs to be a name percya to yourself, it is needed to do something you want. besides self-confidence we also need the name of the ability to manage the economy. do not give up also to take risks.
September 24, 2017, 12:19:30 PM |
The same rules apply to every asset class you are new to whether its stocks, precious metals, real estate or crypto. Befor you invest a single dollar you sould do ALOT of reserch and by that I mean at least more than 50h-100h. Otherwise you will fall into pittraps like buying shitcoins which are advertised on bitcointalk which will certainly do a 10x next moth and stuff like that. See it as studing for a exam if you don't study anything you will go broke if your not extremly lucky. If studie not enough you will lose a lot of money. If you studie as much as most of the people you will most like earn as much as the average joe. If you studie really hard harder then any otherone you will most likely outperform them 
September 24, 2017, 12:22:51 PM |
Learn all the risks that arise when you buy Bitcoin. if you want to trade you should learn how good a strategy to trade. and all can happen in trade.
September 24, 2017, 12:26:05 PM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
First you need to take your safest wallet to store your bitcoins and save them, without any risk. You need also to learn a little bit more about the blockchain technology and how it works. Then you can buying and don't invest more than you can afford to lose
September 24, 2017, 12:31:42 PM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
You are right , the first trade success in any field always gives us confidence to make our job more perfectly . Here i myself made start my trade successfully with the blry coin that was totally magic for me to make big earnings with small amount investment . Here my suggestion for you to invest in those coins which are at low prices from Thier average price in the last two month , and wait until the price get up , hopefully you will found that price will get up in 3 months maximum . If you will make investment daily in different different coin then you will see that daily one or two coins in which you invested are giving profit for you , here a big thing is the time to wait until its price get high but most of the times newbies can't wait and due to fear to loss all they sell at loss . So don't get fear and don't sell until you make profit for sell .
September 24, 2017, 12:32:10 PM |
Welcome  . First of all, you should learn basics about the wallets. Choose the right one for you - preferably the one where you control the private keys. Also you have to choose where will you keep your wallet: mobile, pc or hardware wallet. After you have all this settled, you have to select where you will buy the btc. There are several exchanges, check the exchange before you actually buy. Use the reputable exchange if possible. After you get all this figured out, open a new topic on the forum with the title: How to increase the amount of my btc 
September 24, 2017, 12:35:56 PM |
first you should study what bitcoin is all about, how it was made and why it was made, then after learning what it is all about, study about investments, know first the fundamentals and then you can try technical analysis as you go along since it will really need experience. then you might want to check what kind of an investor are you there are three types written in the book, but you should take note there are only two types really, since the other one is just a combination of both. the first one is the conservative type if you like your investment to earn, however you would like some risk, if you are that type of investor who doesn't give it all out, you are considered a conservative and bitcoin might not be the best for you.the second one is the aggressive type, you are a risk taker, in its sense, it will give you a great gain like 30-50%, but you can also loose that much,if you are willing to win a lot and loose a lot, bitcoin is right for you, since it is volatile, it can give you great gains as well as losses. after learning what type of investor are you and about investment, it is up to you if you would like to invest in bitcoin, since you now understand the risk of investing. lastly for you to start correctly, if you are planning to buy bitcoins, make sure to only use your extra cash and not your savings, so in the event that it will give you negative gains, you will not worry much, this will also improve your resistance, it will help you not having weak hands or get rid of your weak hands.
September 24, 2017, 01:06:34 PM |
Better read on here some articles in related to bitcoin, learn things with bitcoin first. Learn how to play with it, how it will work in your hands. Just remember in holding bitcoin there is always a big risk on taking it. And never ever invest to a site that looks too good to be true, it is really not.
September 24, 2017, 01:38:53 PM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
For finding your way to the forum instead of coming after you might have been bitten is really a good one that I must commend you for. Now that you are here, be ready to learn because there are several sources here with people with the amount of knowledge about how the entire block chain and bitcoin, the trade, the government, and even the other crytocurrency works than you can imagine. When you do this, you then decide whether this where you want to be or moving forward.
September 24, 2017, 01:40:01 PM |
Make sure you have enough capital to invest in bitcoin. Bitcoin currently has a less stable price, so make sure you study the up and down bitcoin prices in the past few months.
umbara ardian
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September 24, 2017, 01:49:02 PM |
talking to a beginner should be more detail. often they do not understand but curiosity is very big. explain in detail about bitcoin for good or bad. consider clearly so that they do not regret buying bitcoin but nobody ever regrets it by buying bitcoin even they become millionaires. and for beginners should always update about bitcoin news because it is very important and important role about bitcoin prices
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September 24, 2017, 02:11:29 PM |
Welcome to the Bitcoin world.
First of all, I will suggest you to set up a reliable and secure wallet to store your Bitcoin. A Bitcoin wallet give you two things which are the public address and private key. The hardware wallets recommended in above posts are good.
Public address: The public address is just like your bank account number, you should give to someone who want to pay you. Private key: It is similar to the password to your bank account. You use private key to access your Bitcoin public address and should not give to anyone in any case. You can’t change the private key, therefore you have to change your Bitcoin public address if private key is revealed.
Few words of caution. 1) For long term storage, do not store your Bitcoin in exchanges such as Poloniex, Bittrex, Coinbase and etc. You have no control to your wallet. 2) Read about the transaction fees. It is not worth sending small amount of Bitcoin as the transaction fees are high.
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September 24, 2017, 02:14:56 PM |
Experienced people, what can you tell for beginners before buying bitcoin? After all, the right first steps - this is the key to success, in any case.
I thibk the first major steps that you really have to do is to study bitcoin to talk about it and research as much as you can about the possibilities the limitations and everything concerning bitcoin on it. However it is also best that you dive into bitcoin as early as you can.