XenonNetwork - Massively Distributed EOS Altchain Why Create an EOS Altchain?- EOS promises an innovative, high-throughput enterprise blockchain
- The development team are well funded and have a proven track record
Shortcomings of the EOS Project: - ICO-derived launch will exclude EOS from many popular exchanges
- Distribution is limited to the small number who are buying into the ICO
The Solution: - A massively airdropped EOS alt-chain, distributed over the next 9 months as an ERC20 token, converting to tokens on an EOS alt-chain at the time of EOS launch -~July 2018
- EOS project have declared that they will not be involved in launching a network, only in producing the open-source code. Responsibility for launching the blockchain lies with the community
- Our aim is to be the primary, dominant chain at the time of launch due to wider distribution, stronger community and better developer engagement, as well as decreased regulatory risk by avoiding an initial coin offering
The Proposed Airdrop:- Total tokens 1,000,000,000 XNN - 70% airdropped:
- 300,000,000 XNN proportionally airdropped to all ether addresses with >0.1 ether
- 200,000,000 XNN airdropped based on bitcoin proof-of-holding
- 200,000,000 XNN airdropped via proof-of-individuality mechanisms
- Much of the remaining XNN will be used in social media/bounty/referral campaigns and developer incentives
Roadmap: - September 2017: Social media/bounty/referral campaigns begin
- October 2017: Ethereal network-wide airdrop
- November 2017: Bitcoin proof-of-holding airdrop
- October 2017 to June 2018: Web-based airdrop via proof-of-individuality
- July 2018: Conversion of ERC20 XNN tokens to Xenon coins on newly-launched blockchain
Social Media: -
Slack -
Twitter - Reddit to follow
- Social media/bounty/referral campaigns to follow
We Are Currently Looking for Partners for the Project. If you believe you have skills/qualifications/contacts which could add value, we would love to hear from you. Post in this thread or private message us for more information.