Very nice Tman...what a collection
Indeed. Nice pics too.
Thanks Og, see it isn't that difficult to be positive about other coin makers work..
BTW I see you are selling your cas collection - can I ask why?
Ya, I see you are back to spreading lies again... I never said anything bad about anyone's work. I disagreed with your auction manipulation attempt.
My Casascius Collection has gotten too valuable. There are other things I want to do with a quarter million dollars than store it in a safe deposit box. That being said, I'm not in any rush to sell and am content holding onto them forever. With the new forking trend, I think Casascius Coins have a bright future. Even if I sell "My Casascius Collection" I'll be holding some for myself.
I do not see a lie above, I said its not hard to be positive... you saying something is overpriced is negative... you know the opposite of positive.
I know the feeling about the collection appreciating in value so much its worth more than your house.. personally I would just get a bigger house in a nicer area where you can display the beauties freely, you probably aren't in a financial position to do that seeing as Nastyfans is only for fun and you cant make that much profit out of the few miners you can run in such a hot place...
its strange to me as initially NastyMining was an IPO with intent on profit.