Because it is a good, very good coin among another.
Widely accepted, fit for tiny/daily payment. And many more.
If you choose between ETH and LTC, then what is more promising?
this is a really good one to ask......... eth has a really good idea and financial following, it got hacked, then rolled back the block chain to allow financial losers to recover funds ( bad programming ) but still has a very good following and many, many, many mega money shills....................... ETC forked off to be the original chain - time will tell, any long lost Egyptian descendants around to give advice on an ending..
ltc - fair launch... accepted in many places as payment, just plods along, just does its thing !!! natural adoption, natural growth, fast, cheap, honest, no roll backs.. no shills.... been here for years, the for runner of technology .... just being litecoin as normal, nice and steady.... everyday adoption around the world and above all !! Honest and puts bankers to shame..
your choice ... readup