Not my coin .. just sharing this [ANN][FLB] FLURBO - The New Galactic Credits from "Rick and Morty"
Today at 06:57:53 PM
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The Flurbo Project
Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! Flurbo is a currency from "Rick and Morty" and now it's became real and going soooo much crypto! Oo-wee!
Algorithm - Cryptonight
Max coin supply - 99 999 999 999 FLB
Premined coin - 2 000 000 000 FLB
Everyone want's extend life of "Rick and Morty" show for as long as possible and everyone want's see as much as possible seasons of it, as sooner as possible! We have a plan. The first step we take on ourselves, we created Flurbo currency and we will send a donation of 1,000,000,000 FLB to Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. The second and most important step is entirely up to you. You ask how can you help? Just become a part of the Flurbo community and help it's grow! Let's make Flurbo great! Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, Bitch! Remember, it's all up to you and that's the waaaayyy the news goes! AIDS!
How to start use Flurbo?
You can download Linux or Windows binaries of "Flurbo Wallet" CLI or GUI from and that's why I always say "Shumshumschilpiddydah!".
How to get Flurbo?
You can get Flurbo by mining it with any popular mining software with cryptonight algorithm support on our pool or you can use solo mining in Flurbo wallet.
- GitHub Our Website Our Mining Pool Twitter Discord Telegram Group Telegram Channel
- Blockchain explorer
Known Issues - GUI Wallet Balance not Updating
If you have "0" balance on GUI wallet and it's not updating, then you need recovery your wallet with mnemonic seed.
Open GUI wallet > Settings > Seed & Keys > Enter your password > Copy Mnemonic seed words on top
After that open Settings > Close wallet > Choose language > Restore wallet from keys or mnemonic seed > Follow instructions
That solution 100% will fix issue