OP seems like has invested a lot in this coin, that why keep posting all the things which are totally unnecessary and irrelevant. Give some good points for members to rely on rather than spamming the thread with rise so high, going so strong etc.
My initial investment has grown which makes this my second biggest bag after neo. So yeah I have a lot invested.
There's no updates from the team - the next one will probably be the genesis block release. Off course I'm watching the chart and giving people what I consider a good entry. Take it or leave it. You don't have to open the thread lol.
Walton chain if I am not wrong is developed by Chinese company. I will stay away from Chinese ICO and Coins due to current market scenarios.
Tbh I think you are bitter you missed take off lol 😂😂
i think OP pumping this....currently overvalued with just paper no much achieved on implementation....good entry would be 3-4$....wait for few days/week...it will back to that range
You think I'm pumping this - Like how did you possibly come up with that conclusion lol? I wish I could single handledly pump this coin - Like seriously. And not much achieved? Read the original post and do some research.