I was just being a little tongue in cheek.
My site will hopefully find other methods for earning soon, as well.
I am curious about your site. Mine has many fewer users, and it will be much harder for me to reach payouts than you, likely.
I have a few questions:
How many users do you have?
What sort of hashrate do you get?
Do you use coinhive? Or a different service?
(All of these are personal questions about your site, and I understand completely if you do not wish to answer any of them. Also, if you don't want to answer publicly, you could always PM me.)
And last question. Do you have any sort of referral link for your site that I could advertise on mine?
Thanks. Not meaning to take over your thread here.
Good luck to you!
No problem...
I have the same coinhive you have.
I can not tell you about things I do not publish on my site.
Soon shares will be traded and I do not wish that some people have information and other ones not.
If you visite the "monero mining info page" you can see what people mine and earn.(the most important miners)
I have noticed that if I run systems with referrer commission,I get only passive members and passive members is not my "fun".
At the start with my U2 system I had over 400 passive members...
I have changed the rules and I prefer now running the system with 20 active members.
Not about shaw1 questions...it's just my daily repport:
Total miner shares in System: 432(*)
Miner share pot: $0.6000000000
Total earned with contest: $0.60
Total earned for testing: $0.42
Total earned with xtracash: $0.59
Total on hold for mining: $0.56
Total pending payout: $0.64
Total paid out: $0.96
If you believe that you can take part in this system...why not try?
Best way to understand is to practice.