Ethgasstation does not posts live gas info. Gwei changes from minute to minute. Better is to pay standard fee or a little bit lower than that with high gas limit.
Good to know. I've been having a lot of trouble figuring this out. I hadn't traded on Etherdelta since before the Cryptokitties network explosion. Now trying to use Metamask due to the DNS compromise last month, which I think is making things even harder. Metamask makes it tough to avoid overpaying. I guess their UX position is "reliable > cheap."
I saw a tweet from ETHERDELTA which recommended a setting in chrome to be enabled for meltdown and spectre vulnerability.
I saw this in several articles, which made me switch to Firefox:
Google says it will roll out a fix with Chrome 64, which is due to be released on January 23rd.
Also check for windows new patch in windows update as well. A new windows patch was scheduled to be released in this case.
Yeah, Windows released patches,
although apparently some of them are causing problems. I definitely wouldn't touch Etherdelta without patched browser, OS and Metamask right now. Even then, I am paranoid!