October 03, 2017, 05:31:34 PM |
Wanted to see what long and short term speculators look for before they take the plunge and buy into current and new coins/tokens?
I know there is variable factors including circ, volumes, chart analysis but wanted to get some inputand successes he community has had in such a volatile environment.
ussually for short term i take to coins after launch from ico because its condition when bounty hunter, investor and trader do a lot transaction
October 03, 2017, 05:32:59 PM |
Especially what i see is supply coin with a logical value. Or may include cheap price. And exchanges, if new altcoin uses a bonafide exchange then i will buy and hold it.
Activity: 22
Merit: 0
October 03, 2017, 06:05:00 PM |
I think looking at the value proposition of each coin as well as the friction points that stand in the way of reaching its stated goal (technical, adoption related due to government etc) and where the price is in relation to the previously mentioned points. And then of course there is common sense... 
f1tz14 (OP)

Activity: 69
Merit: 10
October 03, 2017, 08:17:49 PM |
I always have a look at the total supply and the circulation supply. If the total supply is too high you should always watch out  I prefer coins that are still under 1 mio Mcap and showing up some nice stuff  Elix was one of that coins the last days. But I am still hin, its a great project! That also sounds like a good strategy- plus Elix must have made you a pretty handsome profit, nice call 
f1tz14 (OP)

Activity: 69
Merit: 10
October 03, 2017, 08:19:49 PM |
I think looking at the value proposition of each coin as well as the friction points that stand in the way of reaching its stated goal (technical, adoption related due to government etc) and where the price is in relation to the previously mentioned points. And then of course there is common sense...  Lol, which seems to be lacking in a lot of investor's minds! Cheers for adding some salient points, need to continue learning methinks.
October 03, 2017, 08:22:27 PM |
I think long term you look at the product (if there is one for the coin), see what the dev team have done in the past/are doing, gauge the size of the community, and look at the trading history to see how liquid it is.
Short term, day trading techniques are the go.
f1tz14 (OP)

Activity: 69
Merit: 10
October 03, 2017, 08:22:41 PM |
Well, as small investors ourselves we like to do a thorough check on why that specific token will be the next thing. That's how we got to doing reviews - for ourselves and for others like us and you to read and make an informed decision. The most important thing is that we're always objective. https://cryptorated.comHave looked at the site and is really helpful, thanks for the heads-up, will be over there more often!
October 03, 2017, 08:35:22 PM |
1. I check for the Dev behind the project. 2. I check how active the community is. 3. I read the white paper. 4. I check the price against previous price. 5. I check the pattern of the chart.
October 04, 2017, 09:49:02 AM |
Wanted to see what long and short term speculators look for before they take the plunge and buy into current and new coins/tokens?
I know there is variable factors including circ, volumes, chart analysis but wanted to get some inputand successes he community has had in such a volatile environment.
ussually for short term i take to coins after launch from ico because its condition when bounty hunter, investor and trader do a lot transaction I think it would be better if you bought the coin while still being ICO. so you can buy the coins cheaper. I'm afraid when you buy when it's been a coin in exchange. the coin will have a more expensive price and reduce your profits dude. if you buy when still ico and then the coin succeeds in the exchange and successfully pump. I can assure you that you will be rich that day

Activity: 124
Merit: 10
October 09, 2017, 07:55:08 AM |
The first thing I do when buying coins is I look first for the value of coins in the marketplace, it exchange rate and its volume. I also look for the exchanger site of the new coin because nowadays there are some sites most likely a scam, you must be aware of it.
Activity: 3402
Merit: 1408
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
October 09, 2017, 09:45:04 AM |
I read the coin's whitepaper and check the community behind it. I also search if there's already a coin with the same idea and if so why it failed and could be improved. For extra confirmation if the coin is good priced, I do some calculations to see what the price would be if the supply was equal to that of Bitcoin.
Really really good way to assess buys (particularly like the comparison with b/c), cheers for that is really good food for thought! Yes, but apart from whitepaper and users and originality there are other very important things to look at: 1) dev team (whether the people are known for their previous projects) 2) partners (does the coin already have a contract or is related to a really existing and operating company) 3) PR (no matter how good the coin is, it is got to be advertised a lot or otherwise people will simply miss it) 4) project's real potential (is it possible to achieve the set goal? are there certain steps that will make it real?)
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Fundamentals Of
October 09, 2017, 10:11:43 AM |
Wanted to see what long and short term speculators look for before they take the plunge and buy into current and new coins/tokens?
I know there is variable factors including circ, volumes, chart analysis but wanted to get some inputand successes he community has had in such a volatile environment.
Volume is another indicator for me. But not very vital. Chart analysis is on the similar level. That is almost as equal to price basis for me. It needs critical analysis. I am giving much weight to the function of the project, the updates as well as project developments. The fulfillment of what the project is indicating in their roadmap.
October 09, 2017, 11:08:15 AM |
I always try to find out some stuff about the team behind the project. I am looking for big people, big investor or just mega nerds that have a great potential to bring up some nice stuff in the future!
October 09, 2017, 12:39:30 PM |
Getting as much profit as possible is the prime target of the coin hunters, they are bound to jump there and jump here, the fastest-earning coins are instantly brushed, this method has long been used by the hunters of coin.
Preferably, before you take action, consider the risks that will come.
October 09, 2017, 12:51:08 PM |
The most important thing is good preparation. Follow course and buy coins when price is low, because every decrease down back to primary stan
Activity: 1175
Merit: 1017
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
October 09, 2017, 12:53:44 PM |
Wanted to see what long and short term speculators look for before they take the plunge and buy into current and new coins/tokens?
I know there is variable factors including circ, volumes, chart analysis but wanted to get some inputand successes he community has had in such a volatile environment.
I formulate my own indicators - instead of asking others what they look for.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the world, and lose his own soul?

Activity: 104
Merit: 10
October 09, 2017, 01:07:03 PM |
I would take a look at if it's an ICO project, it's quite helpful
October 09, 2017, 01:28:47 PM |
The most important thing is good preparation. Follow course and buy coins when price is low, because every decrease down back to primary stan
Before buying an altcoin I always do some research if it is good to invest. The way they handle their project, and ofcourse buy when the price is cheap. It is always the best to consider the price before buying coins.
October 09, 2017, 01:48:38 PM |
for new coins especially some ICOs taht have bounty i will look for the project first, if it can really get realized i will wait for bounty reward to sent first some people will dump it and i will buy in cheap price
October 09, 2017, 02:34:40 PM |
Wanted to see what long and short term speculators look for before they take the plunge and buy into current and new coins/tokens?
I know there is variable factors including circ, volumes, chart analysis but wanted to get some inputand successes he community has had in such a volatile environment.
I e research the inside information and the whole complete description of the project . When i am buying any altcoin i make sure first to read the information, unlike spending without any knowledge and releases of the project. Make sure it as a legit and note a copy paste,or a project with no wp, website can just ba all scam.
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