Do I still need to post more than 10 posts to get signature bounty from now on ? Hope manager of this thread can give me a clear answer . thanks
It seems that you missed some updates from bounty manager
mirallas, you should bookmark link profile mirallas

. And I also just found out now that he has updated the new rules.
we are grateful for your huge support. our community and campaign is constantly growing and enlarging thanks to your contributions.
after the discussions made with the team we decided to extend the campaign till the 14th of january (start for ICO) and make certain alterations on some regulations:
1. you are no longer required to send weekly reports for twitter and facebook campaigns. (unfortunately, due to the excessive amount of messages in bounty thread we are not be able to notice the problems the participants face on time) furthermore, you are now going to be paid for the work you have done until today. additionally, you may continue to work if you have decided to earn more stakes.
2. we will no longer be paying for extra BTC from now on for the signature campaign. (we will start sending the bitcoins that you are entitled to earn until now, to your adresses when ico is over, so no worries
. there will be no change in the amount of GLA that youre going to receive (%40) in the bounty pool.
3. from this week only (sixth week) we are no longer be doing weekly stake updates. stakes are going to be updated and added to spradsheet when ico is over. for the signature campaign you have to send 50 messages, at least, until ico is over. in addition to the stakes you have earned till now, youre going to be receive stakes in proportion to the timewhile you remain in the campaign. new participants are going to earn stakes according to these regulations.
4. stake amounts for the medium, telegram and media campaigns are going to be updated at the end of ico.
5. And dont worry, Im still working with Gladius. It is just due to huge amount of messages that I get back to your messages a bit late. I have full trust in the team and the project. please ignore the members who are just trying to spread FUD.
Finally, I am here for everyone to receive their rightful recompense for the work they have done; and I am not going to fail anybody. We have received about 2300 request for all campaigns; therefore we are kindly asking for your patience and understanding. furthermore, in order to correspond to your messages about the campaign we have opened up a new telegram channel:
I am not so good at English, can you just make it clear for me , how could I continue my signature campaign?
i also want to know.if we need apply the campaign again?i think it is a nice i decide continue the bounty campaign.
My english actually not really good too.
Yes we still allowed continue and wear the signature gladius BUT we won't get paid btc again, ONLY token will we get starting on week 6 (this weeks) and there is some update on signature code we must change to new code of signature gladius, you can see on first page. The stake counts when ico is over and also we must made 50 post.
thank you for you tell me.i will continue join the signature campaign.good luck for you.