the transaction should fail because it is not a valid address. dont need to worry. check back later
With this reply of yours, you have definitely saved a soul because in situation like the one OP his, he must have been so ashamed of himself to have to created an account for that purpose. I cant imagine what is going on in him mind now especially if the fund involved is a huge amount.
I actually didnt expect the transaction to go in the first place because they technology should have recognized that its a wrong token meant for something else and if that is not happening, then that is flaw in the design originally.,
Yes, and this is why step one of any transaction of size should be to first send a small test deposit to ensure everything is working as expected. This is even more true when you are new, but even for experienced people, it is easy to make a mistake. I would rather risk 1 small $10-$20 test transaction then end up losing $1,000's because of a silly mistake.
Only for this reason, there are advices to all traders, whether they are expertise, the newbies or anyone that please do learn at best level to which you can afford to go. Learn the basics as well as some technicalities of bitcoin and especially about the transaction methods. So like you said, give a test drive of very small amount so that you can go for big transactions.