PPS is consistant, and often in the short term pays higher.
Prop is variable, but in the longer term pays better.
If you have linux/mac you can see what the short term looks like by cutting and pasting the right column of your account screen into a text file.
http://staticcdn.miningmonitor.com/deepbitright.pngAnd then running the following Perl snippet at the command line
perl -e 'foreach(<>) { next if $_ !~ /\//; next if $_ =~ /s/;chomp $_; ($shares,$round) = split(/ \/ /,$_); $t += $shares; $r += $round; $a++;print "$shares - $round - $a $t $r\n";} print "PPS: " . $t * 0.00003262705594458 . "\n"; print "Prop: " . $t / $r * (50*$a*.97);print "\n$a"' < THEFILEYOUPASTEDINTO
( yes, this is dirty... you could golf it into a much smaller string )
You get a result like:
652 - 1777330 - 1 652 1777330
237 - 668290 - 2 889 2445620
1938 - 5175963 - 3 2827 7621583
1395 - 3762791 - 4 4222 11384374
734 - 1905344 - 5 4956 13289718
402 - 1098795 - 6 5358 14388513
204 - 496501 - 7 5562 14885014
PPS: 0.181471685163754
Prop: 0.126859067784552
As you can see, over the last 7 blocks, it would have paid .06 more to be PPS for me.
But over the long term, Prop starts to take the lead.