It's a very long time for the company, why so long?Few buyers for tokens?I hope that soon we will receive our awards for such a long company and they will be worthy
The crypto space has been in a huge down trend since the beginning of this year. The entire market has changed and people are therefore not investing like they used to. There has also been huge regulatory changes that have affected many ICOs and crypto projects.
We have held back to ensure that we have the best possible plans, structure and project in place in order to conduct our final token sale event. Yes, we understand that the wait is frustrating, however rushing into a final token sale would accomplishing nothing for anybody. We have held back and built up stronger partnerships with much bigger and globally recognised organisations, we are also reworking and replanning our technology to ensure that we have a solid project and plan.
We aren't in this for a quick buck, the entire team is in this in the long run as we believe in our project and what we stand therefore. Therefore we are taking every possible step to ensure the success of this project.
We will be making announcements in the coming weeks, with Pete Mardell the CEO doing Live Q and A's for all to join.
~ Jake Ashby, COO TriForce Tokens