Title is kind of self-explanatory, but here's the graph to go with it:
Note 1: I don't believe much in trendlines, or rather: I strongly doubt the wisdom of hunting
the right trendline at a given time, as some seem to do. However, I do believe in psychologically important levels of support, and how they develop.
Ever since the April crash, after each further correction we've continued trading from a higher low than before. The previous one was at ~100. Right now, we're at 117, after hitting 115 yesterday.
Should we fall below 100, I would probably consider that a fundamental change in the perception and mood of the entire market. Until that happens, I interpret the reactions I see now as panicking behavior by a few participants.
Note 2: Understand the following: I'm not actually ruling out the possibility that we go below 100. I'm only saying, until that happens, I don't see a reason to fundamentally change my assumptions about the market.
Note 3: For the nitpickers: I know, the actual lows were closer to 48, 79, and 103. My point remains the same.