Thanks for the information, that's a little pricey for what I was expecting. What other coins are available?
1996, 1997, and 1998 (MLB, NFL, NASCAR) these coins were mostly put in packs. normally you'd get 3 cards and 1 or 2 coins a pack. First they had the fine silvers in packs but later went to redemption card (solid gold always redemption's). The base metal of the vast majority are brass coin, then nickle, gold plate, fine silver and fine gold. Maybe 10-30 of each player were made in silver in most years. 1 Solid Gold was ever made for each player per year. Coins that are 'proof' are from a series and normally numbered 1 of 250 for MLB coins (all 250 read 1 of 250). NFL was better and would individually number them.
My favorites as you can see are Griffey and Sanders. I'll never find their solid golds. I have one year of griffey silver, but none of Barry (much harder to find..likely more limited). Pinnacle mint went under I believe in 1998. Rumor has it execs and other workers stole many of the pure gold and silvers to take home knowing the Co was going under. Gold Plates for low end players 10-20 bucks. High end 25 up to 100. Solid silver 100ish give/take.. and pure gold 500 and up at bare min.
forgive me I am no artist and did this quickly. I do not own the solid gold but do everything else.