Crazyness Edu Botting Service
What this service is ? Well i take My Program i Created to Make Edu Accounts and Create them directly too your inbox with this service you are paying based off a Per Min rate with a min of 30 min botting time you are not Guaranteed any Set amount of accounts from this service its all random on how fast the Creator Creates the Accounts etc..
For for Example : Someone paid for 30 min of the service i start the Bot and It start creating after 30 min they will have noticed loads of emails coming into there inbox that they provided and they end up with xx Amount of Edu Accounts and they Use the service again but they don't get the same exact amount of Edu Accounts the second time as its all time based not sold based on each account so you could end up with 15 edu accounts or you could end up with 50 its all based on how fast the creator goes etc... i will be running two threads of the Bot at any given time
so you have good chance of getting a good amount of accounts for little $ in turn you make profit
Price Per
30 Min for $5
1 hour $8
Contact me via Skype @ Epic_leaker
Service Terms :
1) You are buying the Botting Service ( Not the Program itself )
2) You are not given the Exact amount of Accounts you Could Get from this Service
3) You will Provide me with the Email you would like the emails to go too as they are created
4) No refunds