Would you please quit making tiny, pointless posts just so that you can spam your referral crap all over? Put it in your signature, please, so that we might choose to ignore it and that it might be within sane signature parameters.
I've seen you post like 30 times this morning with the plum total of 5 words each post, aside from your ads, and those posts usually had something to do with Tradehill, recommending tradehill, saying things about bitcoinconnection, or making desparaging remarks towards Mt. Gox while recommending tradehill. Also: Tradehill. Did I mention Tradehill?
google search for your code, TH-R1960, shows 65 posts on this forum with your tradehill link. You have 72 posts.
This is actually me asking politely, believe it or not, because maybe you honestly don't know that it's annoying. Maybe you don't know that Tradehill has been more vigilant lately about killing referral codes of spammers, and by making 65 advertisement posts, you're probably over their threshold already.
P.S. Tradehill.
P.P.S Have you heard of Tradehill? It's a hill for trading.