October 30, 2017, 01:25:15 AM |
where is the windows wallet
This is relaunch
without a wallet, not everyone can mine
October 30, 2017, 01:36:42 AM |
where is the windows wallet
This is relaunch
without a wallet, not everyone can mine
There some wallet you can try and use. Web wallet and linux wallet. Also you can use old windows wallet, but the link is removed in github. Maybe for now you can't mine it with solo mining from wallet directly if you using windows. You can try GPU as optional. Dev said New Windows wallet is in progress, You can use the Windows-Qt, because it working and it's not going to stop working. We just remove the link from the github. Because we are working on a new version ,that will coming soon.
You can also use the wallet.dat of the Windows-Qt to the Linux-Qt or if you want you send to the web wallet.
October 30, 2017, 01:46:51 AM |
i come back this topic , i read a good news , hope this coin have a first exchange .
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
October 30, 2017, 01:57:35 AM |
not open source? no pool no miner
Pool = = Ok, Google give me miner for x14 algo  You need to read the eyes I still use this Pool , but it look like Dead , please devs restart it , and I found new blocks still generate , Who get the mining rewards ? please help

Activity: 336
Merit: 10
October 30, 2017, 02:01:21 AM |
hey dev when you relese airdrop ?
Activity: 15
Merit: 0
October 30, 2017, 02:10:02 AM |
Please show me the clear route.. thanks dev
October 31, 2017, 10:41:58 PM |
Please show me the clear route.. thanks dev
Дeв oбpыгaный гдe-нить вaляeтcя yжe 3ю нeдeлю. C paдapoв yшeл. Bce кикoc мoнeтe, кaкиe poyдмaпы, Кapл) Sorry for my french 
November 01, 2017, 09:14:13 PM |
Please show me the clear route.. thanks dev
Дeв oбpыгaный гдe-нить вaляeтcя yжe 3ю нeдeлю. C paдapoв yшeл. Bce кикoc мoнeтe, кaкиe poyдмaпы, Кapл) Sorry for my french  Why such insight, mate? It's too early for the dev to rest on his laurels - he did not sell any coins. And write here in English, otherwise - in the spamlist to you the road)))
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November 02, 2017, 08:31:18 AM |
Please show me the clear route.. thanks dev
Дeв oбpыгaный гдe-нить вaляeтcя yжe 3ю нeдeлю. C paдapoв yшeл. Bce кикoc мoнeтe, кaкиe poyдмaпы, Кapл) Sorry for my french  Why such insight, mate? It's too early for the dev to rest on his laurels - he did not sell any coins. And write here in English, otherwise - in the spamlist to you the road))) Dude, I completely understand) And also hope dev it will come back to reality and continue working on the project. I mind 150K VOLP and don't want it found nothing)

Activity: 162
Merit: 10
November 02, 2017, 08:36:34 AM |
a new x14 coins, nice project. wow my A2000 can work right now

Activity: 181
Merit: 10
November 02, 2017, 08:45:18 AM |
where is the windows wallet
This is relaunch
without a wallet, not everyone can mine
There some wallet you can try and use. Web wallet and linux wallet. Also you can use old windows wallet, but the link is removed in github. Maybe for now you can't mine it with solo mining from wallet directly if you using windows. You can try GPU as optional. Dev said New Windows wallet is in progress, You can use the Windows-Qt, because it working and it's not going to stop working. We just remove the link from the github. Because we are working on a new version ,that will coming soon.
You can also use the wallet.dat of the Windows-Qt to the Linux-Qt or if you want you send to the web wallet.
So no windows wallet right now?
November 02, 2017, 09:01:18 AM |
a new x14 coins, nice project. wow my A2000 can work right now
New? Coin start in August and dev hide from us in October))
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
November 04, 2017, 09:53:42 AM |
I saw the VOLP explorer still going now , how it generate the next blocks ??
November 04, 2017, 01:58:19 PM |
I understand that the project now has problems, I hope they will soon be resolved. On the forum, I learned that the masternode is planned. How much do I need coins to start it? I think masternode would very much revitalize the project.
November 06, 2017, 06:56:00 AM |
Finally something of my interest.
yes the nothing!!!
Activity: 67
Merit: 0
November 07, 2017, 08:57:30 AM |
Who know, why hashrate on pool is 0 about 2 days, but mining difficulty still very hi?
November 07, 2017, 11:29:18 AM |
Who know, why hashrate on pool is 0 about 2 days, but mining difficulty still very hi?
Dev run away) Project is dead.

Activity: 113
Merit: 10
November 10, 2017, 10:45:55 PM |
This one turned into pile of shit in no time. LOL
November 12, 2017, 02:58:52 AM |
Projects do not die like this. Has anyone ever seen a coin stubbornly stubborn? I have seen. I'm sure he will soon show himself. Who needs a wallet window - pm to me