How to participate :
Join telegram : Copico wallet :
hereEnroll to this thread.

15% of bounty pool will reserve to blog/media/article campaign. First week starts from 16 October 2017. week will end every Sunday 23.59 GMT
Open for new ParticipantsBONUS for best performance participant. Will be paid at the end of campaign by Developer.
First place : $25 in BTC
Second place : $10 in BTC
Third place : $10 in BTC
Payment will be as follow :
- Excellent quality : 150 stakes
- Good quality : 80 stakes
- Normal quality : 45 stakes
Rules :
- Max 20 participants.
- One account per person.
- Article must be original and unique. Pour information from whitepaper/ANN Thread directly is not allowed. So you must be creative and do not out from topic of project.
- Article must at least 300 words and proper in english.
- You must share your link of your work every week to another forum or crytocurrency group related which has good potential. And share the proof here every Monday. Minimum 2 times share link.
- Being active in ANN Thread will be appreciated and will be listed to my LMVP, but not required (DON’T SPAM). I explained what is LMVP at the end of this post.
How to participate :
Join telegram : Copico wallet :
hereFill out the form : registration is closed
Submit form every week must like form below :
Profile link :
Blog link :
Proof of share for week 1 :
Proof of share for week 2 :
Proof of share for week 3 : (optional)
maximum report every Monday 23.59 GMT (forum time)

32.5% of bounty pool will reserve to social media campaign especially for twitter. First weeks start from 16 October 2017 – 22 October 2017 so on. Counting stake will be done soon after round end. Week will end every Monday 23.59 GMT
Open for new ParticipantsBONUS for best performance participants. Will be paid at the end of campaign by Developer.
First place : $25 in BTC
Second place : $10 in BTC
Third place : $10 in BTC
Forth place : $10 in BTC
Fifth place : $10 in BTC
Sixth place : $10 in BTC
Seventh place : $10 in BTC
Eighth place : $10 in BTC
Ninth place : $10 in BTC
Tenth place : $10 in BTC
Payment will be as follow :
150 - 250 real followers = 7 stakes/week
251 - 1000 real followers = 10 stakes/week
1001 - 2000 real followers = 15 stakes/week
2001 – 3000 real followers = 20 stakes/week
3001 – 4000 real followers = 25 stakes/week
4001 – 5000 real followers = 30 stakes/week
5001 and more of real followers = 35 stakes/week
Twitter Rules :
- Twitter account minimum has 150 followers. Minimum twitter audit is 85 % real followers.
- Make at least 2 original tweets about project. (include an image related to project will more appreciate but not required). Must contain mininum 2 hashtag = $xcpo , #masternode .
- Mention tweets to @teamcopcio.
- Retweet at least 3 times per week.
- Only 1 tweet per day and 1 Retweet per day will count.
- Submit your link every week and must looks like as the table below.
- I will check your works, so if i found bad quality promotion. I will warn you through PM, but i will not kick you.
- Being active in ANN Thread will be appreciated and will be listed to my LMVP, but not required (DON’T SPAM). I explained what is LMVP at the end of this post.
How to participate :
Follow our twitter handle : telegram : Copico wallet :
hereFill google form : registration is closed
Submit form :
Bitcointalk username :
Number on spreadsheet :
Twitter link :
Twitter Audit link :
Number of followers :
Retweets link :
(dd/mm/yy) :
(dd/mm/yy) :
(dd/mm/yy) :
(dd/mm/yy) : (optional)
Tweets link :
(dd/mm/yy) :
(dd/mm/yy) :
(dd/mm/yy) : (optional)
Then quote it for next week. Maximum report every Sunday 23.59 GMT (forum time)

30% of bounty pool will reserve to signature campaign. First week starts from 15 October 2017 – 21 October 2017 at 23.59 GMT . Week will end every Saturday 23.59 GMT. Counting post will made soon after round end.
Open for new ParticipantsBONUS for best performance participant. Will be paid at the end of campaign by Developer.
First place : $25 in BTC
Second place : $10 in BTC
Third place : $10 in BTC
Forth place : $10 in BTC
Fifth place : $10 in BTC
Payment will be as follow :
-Newbie : 1.5 stakes
-Junior member : 2.5 stakes
-Member : 3 stakes
-Full member : 3.5 stakes
-Senior member : 4 stakes
-Hero member : 6 stakes
-Legendary and staff : 7 stakes
Rules :
- Make at least 10 constructive posts per week and minimal 90 characters.
- Posts in Off topic, Micro earning, Politic and Society, Meta, any Bounty and Campaign threads, Games and Round, Archival will not count.
- Burst posting is not allowed.
- Open for neutral
negative and positive members. (negative trust is no longer accepted) - One account per person.
- Advertise anything else in your signature is allowed
- Participants are not allowed to change their signature (and avatar) in the middle of campaign.
- Newbie and above can join.
- Post in ANN Thread wil appreciate and i will list you to my LMVP, but not required (DON’T SPAM). I explained what is LMVP at the end of this post.
How to participate :
-Wear appropriate signature.
-Download Copico wallet :
here-Join Telegram : the form : registration is closed
-Confirm your participation (optional)
Signature codes :Newbie : | ICO 17th Oct
[center] | ICO [u]17th Oct[/center]
Junior member :
[center][]▐|▌ COPICO | A MASTERNODE COIN ▐|▌
JOIN ICO [u] 17th Oct 2017[/u] [i]Hosted by[/i] MERCATOX[/center]
Member :
[center][url=]▐|▌ COPICO | A MASTERNODE COIN ▐|▌[/url]
[url=][WHITEPAPER][/url] [url=][BLUEPAPER][/url]
[url=]JOIN ICO [u] 17th October 2017[/u] [i]Hosted by[/i] MERCATOX[/url][/center]
Full member :
[center][url=][font=Arial black][font=Verdana][color=#1871C5]▐[color=#F59118]|[/color]▌[/color][/font] [color=#1871C5]COPICO[/color] [color=#F59118]|[/color] [color=#0F64B5]A MA[color=#0F71CE]STE[color=#097BE7]RNO[/color]DE C[/color]OIN[/color] [font=Verdana][color=#1871C5]▐[color=#F59118]|[/color]▌[/color][/font][/font][/url]
[font=arial][url=][color=#F59118][[color=#000]WHITEPAPER[/color]][/color][/url] [url=][color=#F59118][[color=#000]BLUEPAPER[/color]][/color][/url][/font]
[b][url=][font=arial black][color=#000]JOIN ICO[/color][/font] [font=arial][color=#F59118][u] [color=#1871C5]17th October 2017[/color][/u][/color][/font] [font=arial narrow] [i][color=#2FB901]Hosted by[/color][/i][/font] [font=arial black][color=#000]M[color=#2FB901]E[/color]RCATO[color=#2FB901]X[/color][/color][/font][/url][/b][/center]
Senior member :
[td][center][][font=Arial black][size=13pt][color=#0F64B5]A MA[color=#0F71CE]STE[color=#097BE7]RNO[/color]DE C[/color]OIN[/color][/size][/font][/url]
[font=Arial][size=9pt][url=][color=#F59118][u] [color=#000]WHITEPAPER[/color][/u][/color][/url] [url=][color=#F59118][u][color=#000]BLUEPAPER[/color] [/u][/color][/url][/size][/font][/center][/td]
[td][][size=2px][tt][color=#1871C5] ▄▄█████████
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[td][right][url=][b][color=#F59118][u] [font=arial black][size=10pt][color=#000]JOIN ICO[/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=8pt][color=transparent]C[/color][/size][/font][/u][/color]
[font=arial narrow][color=#1871C5][size=12pt]17[size=8pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] October 2017[/size][/color][/font][font=Arial][size=8pt][color=transparent]C[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/right][/td]
[font=Arial black][size=7pt][color=#2FB901]HOSTED BY[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial black][size=13pt][color=#000]M[color=#2FB901]E[/color]RCATO[color=#2FB901]X[/color][/color][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td]
Hero member - Legendary :
[td][center][][font=Arial black][size=11pt][glow=#063D72,2,300] [size=13pt][color=#0777E2]A MA[color=#1A88F0]STE[color=#369AF8]RNO[/color]DE C[/color]OIN[/color][/size] [/glow][/size][/font][/url]
[font=Arial][size=9pt][url=][color=#F59118][u] [color=#000]WHITEPAPER[/color][/u][/color][/url] [url=][color=#F59118][u][color=#000]BLUEPAPER[/color] [/u][/color][/url][/size][/font][/center][/td]
[td][][size=2px][tt][color=#1871C5] ▄▄█████████
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[td][right][url=][b][color=#F59118][u] [font=arial black][size=10pt][color=#000]JOIN ICO[/color][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=8pt][color=transparent]C[/color][/size][/font][/u][/color]
[font=arial narrow][color=#1871C5][size=12pt]17[size=8pt][sup]th[/sup][/size] October 2017[/size][/color][/font][font=Arial][size=8pt][color=transparent]C[/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/right][/td]
[url=][font=Arial black][size=7pt][color=#2FB901]HOSTED BY[/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial black][size=12pt][glow=#111,2,300][size=8pt][color=#111].[size=12pt][color=#fff]M[color=#2FB901]E[/color]RCATO[color=#2FB901]X[/color][/color][/size].[/color][/size][/glow][/size][/font][/url][/center][/td]
Special thanks to jayce who designed this signature for CopiCo bounty campaign
What is LMVP ?
LMVP = List of Most Valueable Person. This is a form of my appreciation which i give to participants of campaign who being active in ANN Thread.
To be honest i do not expect too much with my LMVP, so i hope if you don’t have an idea to make worth post (meaningfull discussion or just qood question) in ANN Thread better you do not spam there.
BUT everyone who could make worth post (meaningfull discussion or just good question) in ANN Thread and even being active there will get some special appreciation by me. I will check ANN Thread very frequently.
What you will get if you listed in my LMVP ?
There are some benefits which you can get :
- I will tell you about my next campaign project earlier (7 until 3 days before launch) this campaign is not only my campaign projects.
- The information which will send by PM cointans :
- a. precise date that campaign will launch.
- b. point plus of the project based my own analyzed.
- another benefits will add later.
1. bulala
2. malibukoman
*note : i will move explanation text about LMVP once i create my own thread in service section*