icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 12:25:05 AM Last edit: December 06, 2017, 11:07:10 PM by icolsuineg |
FLASH NEWS! We are having some technical issues and the launch will be delayed for a few days. The new date will be announced 24 hours before the actual launch. Read more here. We are proud to announce the new mineable cryptocurrency Cryptumcoin (CRYC) as a small but essential part of the Cryptum ICO. Developed together with Crypto Mining Blog, the Cryptumcoin is a promising new cryptocurrency made by and for miners. FINAL PRE-MINE NUMBERS CURRENT CRYPTUMCOIN PRE-MINE: 475,283 CRYC. CURRENT CRYC/CRTM rate: 10.27:1 CURRENT POST-SALE BONUS: 16,520 CRYC (590 @ TOP 28 CONTRIBUTORS)  |  |  | | Cryptumcoin will receive 5% of the funding of Cryptum ICO. Our ICO is funding a board games publishing and we plan to adopt the Cryptumcoin or our services after it reaches certain maturity. As part of the ICO, we are offering 397K to 2.6 million CRYC (0.42-2.65% from the max. supply of 98.57 million) to token owners. Pre-mine volume, rate, post-sale bonus, marketing budget are all dependent on the ICO sales and grow with each batch of tokens sold. This makes investing in the ICO nearly risk-free as we are backing it up with shared profits, free games and Crptmcoins. | We are developing Cryptumcoin together with the Crypto Mining Blog: one of the largest mining blogs in the world. CRYC brings innovation in terms of development goals, not simply by using the latest tech someone else developed. Cryptumcoin is based on Equihash, which makes it power efficient and easy to mine. It is ASIC-proof, and not best mined on AMD-based farms. Combined with average block reward of 147 CRYC, and the high popularity and market spread we are reaching for, it would easily take over the uncontested middle-ground in Equihash mining. | |  |  | | Depending on the ICO sales, we are distributing 397K to 2.6 million CRYC pre-mine as ICO rewards, post sale bonuses and bounties. Cryptumcoin has a theoretical supply of 98.57 million, meaning the pre-mine is 0.42% to 2.65% of the maximum supply and 2.2% to 12% from the market supply at the time of peak interest, gradually lowered as the coin matures. | Cryptumcoin does not simply claim it has a fair launch. It redefines "fair". We will have all the tools ready for the miners the day we launch it. CRYC will be mined on most major pools. We will list it on as many exchanges we can. The pre-mine role is to establish the coin market presense and jump start the big trade volume needed for further listing on other exchanges and websites promoting the Cryptumcoin. There is no developer allocation of CRYC, as we are already using part of the ICO funds and a part of the premine to pay for the expensive exchange listings. | |  |  | | Cryptumcoin uses innovative block reward system addressing specific problems with new coin launches. We call the periods (based on the block height) "ages" and they offer different block rewards. From the low reward Initial age to the boosted block rewards of the expansion ages, and to the gradually lowered rewards in the late ages, everything serves a purpose. | Cryptumcoin will be listed by us on as many exchanges as possible right from the launch, spreading the already low premine thin and establishing the initial trade with early investors. This is in stark contrast to most of the coin launches, where the exchanges come at a later stage and often only in the form of voted currencies, requiring community efforts to list them. |
 |  |  |  | | The amount of CRYC per CRTM each token owner will receive depends on the total ICO sales volume. The more you spread the news and the more people participate, the more it grows with each token sold (10 - 14.95 CRYC/CRTM). And remember, CRYC is a small part of the token features! | The post-sale bonuses are distributed between 20 to 40% of the ICO contributors (less if there are many smaller transactions) and encourages higher investments and spreading the news. Being 6% of the CRYC distributed per token, this post-sale bonus also grows with the sales. | The total of the pre-mine rows with each new sale, and helps boost the CRYC/CRTM rate and the sale bonus. It also lowers the amount of CRYC we have in the marketing budget (200K - post-sale bonus). As with everything in CRYC - the more people take part in the ICO, the better. |
 |  |  |  |  | | 19.8-50.5k | 10.00-11.11 CRYC/CRTM | 11.8k-33.6k | =(200k-Bonus) | | 50.5K-100.5k | 11.11-12.93 CRYC/CRTM | 33.6k-77.9k | =(200k-Bonus) | | 100.5k-156.1k | 12.93-14.95 CRYC/CRTM | 77.9k-140.1k | =(200k-Bonus) |
1 Example categories starting from the current distribution of 19 776 CRTM and up to theoretical maximum of 156 118 CRTM incl. bonuses 2 Current CRYC/CRTM Rate (CRYCrate) = 10 + (CRTMSoldStage2 / 27500). After the coin launch, token owners will have 30 to 45 days to claim their Cryptumcoins on our website. Please follow our social accounts on top of the page to avoid missing the deadline. Distribution will be done in waves on a first come, first served basis. 3 After launching the Cryptumcoin, and after the claims period is over, we will distribute an additional bonus amount of CRYC (Bonustotal = CRTMsold * CRYCrate * 0.06) to the top contributors based on the following formula: Bonustop = Bonustotal / TOPx where the number of TOP contributors is TOPx = (CRTMsold – CRTMstage1) / 250 if < of the total number of contributors, or else the number of contributors. 4 As we would try to list the Cryptumcoin on as many quality exchanges as possible instead of relying on voted listing, and considering the prices for listing a coin lately (3-5 BTC on some exchanges), we’ll need an extended marketing support. The formula here is: Marketing Budget = 200 000 – CRYCbonus.* In any case that doesn’t allow us to use anything but integers, we will be rounding in a way that leaves the difference in our wallet. Unclaimed amounts of Cryptumcoin will be considered forfeit. Below you can find graphical representation of the distribution, block height "ages", pre-mine in the form of percentage of each age, and some notes regarding the block reward system of teh Cryptumcoin. Note that some of these numbers might not be the final numbers as most are based on a full pre-mine of 2.6 million CRYC, while the ICO can end with a lower amount being distributed among token owners.Most of our team consists of the people that are behind the largest Bulgarian IT community, started in 1999 – hardwareBG.com, with other members helping us with particular aspects of the project, or being part of the main company that will work on the games project of the ICO. |  | | | | | Simply put, Nikolai is the visionary or the project and a co-founder of the ICO. He worked in the IT industry for nearly 15 years as a reviewer, magazine editor, PR specialist, and product manager, before he started his own company dealing with board games and turned his hobby into successful business. He has been into mining since 2010, and is now working on the mining board game Blockchain. | Anton is a huge tech enthusiast and the leading figure behind so many online projects that even we stopped following all of them. Hardware, 3D/VR, 3D printing, software, actually anything IT-related, and a whole lot of hobbies to complement his already impressive skills. He's responsible for most of the software development for the Cryprum projects, and we greatly value his knowledge and experience. | Kiril is our chief technology expert. One of the co-founders of the leading Bulgarian IT community at hardwareBG.com and the company with the same name, a skilled technician with plenty of experience dealing with almost every possible hardware or software-related problem, and even more knowledge when it comes to cryptocurrency mining, we have him working on the development and support for any mining-related project. | Another of the hardwareBG.com founders, Grigor is the lead technical advisor of the Cryptum project. He has been into mining ever since it became a thing, and, after years of working on different mining ventures, he has an extensive knowledge of the supply chain and demand, management and scalability, and possible issues and solutions for any scale of cryptocurrency mining operations. |
Disclaimer Cryptumcoin is only a side project under the Cryptum ICO - Cryptum is funding a board games design and publishing with shared profits pool and bonus free games (based on tiers, starting from 25 CRTM), and we are using partial funding from the the ICO to help the development of the Cryptumcoin, especially in regards of exchange listings and other paid services we would require. Cryptumcoin will be launched whatever the success of the ICO as we plan to integrate Cryptumcoin in our services ecosystem (shopping, loyalty bonuses, own and partner's websites advertisement, etc.) after it reaches certain maturity, and to promote it with the first cryptomining strategy board game we are developing under the Cryptum brand.
We see this as "no risks attached", as we are developing the games no matter how much we raise through the ICO, and Cryptumcoin is being launched unrelated to the token sale success. We will try to do everything we can make Cryptumcoin successful and popular, but it is not in our power to guarantee anything regarding market trade rates, volume, listings, specific pools, coin price, etc. Cryptumcoin general and VERY INFORMAL informationIf you want the serious stuff: either read our ICO Whitepaper v3.0, or this article. Or both. We will be updating this thread in the following days, but here is a list of CRYC features that you might find interesting: - CRYC is developed by miners for miners. Nobody is better at this than probably the most dedicated crypto mining blog in the world, and we are working together on launching Cryptumcoin.
- CRYC is just a small part of one of the kind Cryptum ICO, and there is no risk to lose your investment, whatever happens to its price, because the Cryptum tokens have their own returns.
- CRYC is going to be listed on as many (meaningful!) exchanges as possible and it's up to the ICO contributors to establish the trade. No need to call up large volume of votes, we'll take care of it.
- CRYC will arrive with all the tools you need - wallets, mining software, pools, exchanges, explorer. No Day 1 "linux cpu miner only" and lousy untested wallet just to give the devs some time to mine some low-diff blocks and pretend it didn't happen later.
- CRYC is based on Equihash, which makes it highly accessible and decentralized by employing the processing power of millions of GPUs around the globe and allowing anyone with a modern GPU to mine some Cryptumcoins.
- CRYC would not bow to ASICs anytime soon. In fact it doesn't even bow to the dominating type of GPUs farms (Looking at you, old AMD GPUs!). You need a fairly new GPU for it. Preferably from NVIDIA.
- CRYC has an average block reward of 146.91 coins, which falls in the middle of the existing Equihash cryptocurrencies. We couldn't decide if it's better to mine and receive some 0.xx coins or to be flooded by thousands of them. We took the middle, most predictable road.
- CRYC is sophisticated and it will be cared enough for without further funding (it even has a logo that doesn't look like at least 2 others). We will be here to help you, answer questions and work on it for as long as it lasts.
- CRYC uses innovative block reward scheme based on "Ages" that protects the ICO contributors as much as the miners and investors, and also promotes future price inflation. No halving needed. No need for PoS stage to disappoint you some day.
- CRYC is employing slow initial blocks with close to the mean block reward value in the beginning and rapid expansion blocks with high rewards when the coin picks up interest. Once we reach peak interest, there will be more CRYC than Bitcoins, and the flow starts to slow down.
- CRYC has a purpose - it will be adopted as one of the main currencies in our future ecosystem of services. Games shop, in-game purchases when we get to porting games to Android and iOS, loyalty bonuses, and even our partner's services.
- CRYC comes from mining or from participating in our ICO. 1 CRTM token = 10 to 15+ CRYC + fat bonuses for the top crop of ICO participants depending on the Tokens sales volume. Or you can wait December 1st and start mining it.
- CRYC will be widely accepted. And beautiful.
- CRYC is as in Cricket.
Additional informationWill be added later. BountiesTBA WalletsTBA Block explorerTBA PoolsTBA MinersTBA ExchangesCurrently planned paid listings: - Cryptopia (everyone knows the price) - C-Cex (we got a price, but also doubts whether it would be worth it) - HitBTC (we got a price) - (pending decision) YoBit (we have some doubts) - Coinexchange (we don't have price yet, contacted) - Nova Exchange (we know the price) closed - TradeSatoshi (paid vote) - LiteBit (don't have price yet, contacted) - Poloniex (not contacted) - Bittrex (requires volume) - coss.io (not contacted yet) Other Services:- WhatToMine (requires volume) - CryptoCompare (Paid+markets) - CoinMarketCap (requires volume) Social - Twitter- Facebook- Slack (no) - Telegram (no) - Cryptum ICO Bitcointalk- Reddit
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
Full Member
Activity: 448
Merit: 102
I am interesting to discussion each orther
October 17, 2017, 12:32:53 AM |
This project looks god..still control the next information of bounty.. 
Sr. Member
Activity: 1414
Merit: 252
Keep it Simple guys :)
October 17, 2017, 12:35:49 AM |
this is a token or coin i see at this ICO we must use Ethereum wallet that support ethereum Token just like myetherwallet but you said this is a mineable coin ? can you explain me about this regards
icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 12:40:08 AM |
this is a token or coin i see at this ICO we must use Ethereum wallet that support ethereum Token just like myetherwallet but you said this is a mineable coin ? can you explain me about this regards
It is ICO that has two projects under it: games and coin. You get both. Otherwise it's a mineable coin coming in December with some premine for the ICO. I'll rearrange a bit 
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
October 17, 2017, 12:49:19 AM |
Another interesting new ICO I hope for the success of this project.
Is there any bounty campaign for this project?
icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 01:01:49 AM |
This project looks god..still control the next information of bounty..  This project looks solid. Waiting for a bounty program.
s there any bounty campaign for this project?
I'll call it night here, it will have to wait for tomorrow, last time I edited a bounty topic this late I made a huge mess with the sig codes. Coming tomorrow Signature and Avatar bounties, Twitter Follow & Retweet, may be a news bounty. Not much else as we don't need any software/tools, and I have little doubts everyone would mine the coin, and anyone that participates in the ICO would want more sales. More tokens we sell ► more coins you get per token ► the bigger the post-sale bonus. ► So share the news and get richer! 
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
October 17, 2017, 01:49:30 AM |
Why didn't you consider POS or dPOS? Just curious
October 17, 2017, 06:06:57 AM |
Hello! Is it possible to mine this coin with rigs? It will be good. Especially equihash algo.
October 17, 2017, 06:28:12 AM |
Wait for mine this coin. Looks interesting.
Activity: 59
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 07:05:42 AM |
Why didn't you consider POS or dPOS? Just curious
May be wont come to that? They didnt give us block time. Better mine pow longer. Devs? By the way its 10% bonus cryc or 10% bonus tokens?
icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 09:44:16 AM |
Why didn't you consider POS or dPOS? Just curious
Not exactly ruled out yet, but I can't say more. May be wont come to that? They didnt give us block time. Better mine pow longer.
You have a point! By the way its 10% bonus cryc or 10% bonus tokens?
10% to the CRTM. (I have a habit of long explanations) If you pay 0.03375 BTC, you will get 25 CRTM + 10% bonus, for a total of 27.5 CRTM. The CRYC bonus is something else entirely, it depends on how many CRTM we sell, because it is 6% of all CRYC distributed to CRTM owners - and it means CRTM multiplied by Rate (formulas are in the OP, look for small text) Is it possible to mine this coin with rigs? It will be good. Especially equihash algo.
Sure, you can mine it with anything that can mine Zec, Zen, Zcl, Hush, Komodo, BTZ...
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 10:23:42 AM |
Nice project I hope you have success!
icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 11:59:27 AM |
What is the essence of this coin? If it is too hard to mine there is no incentives for miners to be involved.
You get - bigger per block reward than ZEC, ZEN, HUSH, ZCL (well, three of them are basically clones/forks of ZEC with some new tech), KMD, still not like the thousands like in BTCZ (which IMO is another of the "We'll leave everything to you") - this also helps with rewards from some of the pools that only transfer over some amount, because it's easier to generate 1+ coins and you don't have to transfer 0.x - also lowers transfer fees in comparison to the amounts transferred. - The block rewards spread should compensate the fast rising difficulty, and then it will be getting smaller to stimulate price growth (there is no guarantee for but still...). Essentially you will be mining a coin that is traded on more exchanges than: ZEN, ZCL, KMD, HUSH and BTCZ, with a good market cap. And that usually helps a lot for the price, not only the popularity. Get it early from the ICO or mine from the start, your choice.
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
October 17, 2017, 12:19:20 PM |
Look promising project of nice coin And waiting your bounty program
October 17, 2017, 02:15:01 PM |
promising projects, who dare to distribute more than 2% for bounty, I'm very interested to wait for bounty campaign, hopefully run very well, good luck with this project

Activity: 187
Merit: 10
You can do What you want.
October 17, 2017, 02:36:11 PM |
when will you publish for miner?
icolsuineg (OP)
October 17, 2017, 02:40:26 PM |
when will you publish for miner?
No need to publish a new miner (we will have one just because not everyone knows enough), everyone knows how to use ewbf.
♦♦♦ CRYPTUMCOIN ♦♦♦ Miner and trade-centric Equihash-based cryptocurrency
Full Member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Lucky Man
October 17, 2017, 02:47:28 PM |
nice project. I will inverting in ICO get bonus 10%
Thanks Dev!
Copper Member
Sr. Member
Activity: 798
Merit: 250
October 17, 2017, 02:49:55 PM |
How much the total supply? If for Pre-Mine is about 2.6 Million and it's just 2.65% of total supply, then should be huge supply. I could say salute with the success of the first stage ICO.
October 17, 2017, 03:00:30 PM |
Is there any chance to get a link for the Linkedin team? Thanks!