Since clearcoin is closed now, I have tried to find some alternatives.
There are two escrow services listed on bitcoin wiki Bitcoin Escrow BTCrow is a new escrow service which makes an attempt to do provide the conflict resolution, which may or may not be a good idea. Now there is an active thread related to it. seems to be an automatic escrow service like the clearcoin. Among the diffrences from the clearcoin are
1) The higher fee 1% ( 0.5 % at clearcoin)
2) Any refund address can be chosen
The last option seems very interesting to me. It allows to copy the functionality of clearcoin - sending money back to seller or sending money to the charity of choice. But it may also be possible to send money to some trusted third party to resolve dispute.
The problem is that there is almost no information about the site and it's operators. The about section is very brief and does not answer most of the questions that I have.
Also, I was not able to find any mention of people using this service on the forum.
That is why I would like to ask you, which escrows are you going to use instead of clearcoin? What kind of experience did you have using them? Do you know any other bitcoin escrow services other then the two that I've mentioned?