Since I like running my own full node to transact, I need to keep my wallet.dat safe. The dilemma is, how can transacting within a full node be ever secure? If we admit that every computer that's connected to the internet is compromised, it is a hard task to keep it safe.
My idea is to keep my Bitcoin Core full node client synced, but only add the wallet.dat file when I need to transact. Once im done transacting, I would close Bitcoin Core, copy my wallet.dat into my USB, and then proceed to delete wallet.dat with a software such as Eraser (
This way there wouldn't be nothing to steal anymore, and the only moment you are exposed is during the transaction.
I was wondering if there is a device that would allow you to safely use your wallet.dat within your full node in an isolated way? Never used a Trezor but that's not what it does I think.