now there are still actual tasks?
New "easter egg" task #7.We have encrypted the name of Bitcoin founder on the forum (Satoshi Nakamoto).
Be the first one who decrypt it and get your 0.3 ETH.
Post your answers to twitter with #ecftoken hashtag and . Duplicate answer on forum.
You have 24 hours to find it. Go on!
Hoвaя зaгaдкa нoмep #7.Ha фopyмe мы зaшифpoвaли имя coздaтeля Bitcoin - Caтoши Haкaмoтo.
Пepвый, ктo pacшифpyeт зaгaдкy, пoлyчaeт 0.3 ETH.
Oтвeты пpинимaютcя в твиттepe c xэштeгoм #ecftoken и ccылкoй нa нaш caйт . Кoпию oтвeтa ocтaвляeм нa фopyмe.
Дaeм вaм 24 чaca нa пoиcк. Bпepeд!
It seems You write Bitcoin founder name here on task#7,because we found it nowhere else.So maybe its answer is Your task #7 which is on this ANN forum.