Just so you know, fees are the same in every waller in the market. The difference is that some wallets won't let you customize your fees and other will recommend you a fee that is higher than the one required. This means that the best option is to choose a wallet that lets you have full control over your fees.
The best options are: Electrum for Bitcoin, and MyEtherWallet for Ethereum. Both let you choose your fee before sending a transaction and have full access over your private keys. Just remember to save your Electrum seed and your MEW wallet file/private key to avoid losing your funds in the future.
https://www.myetherwallet.com/Alright thanks, I'm using EXODUS and Mycelium at the moment, I'm kind of curious at mycelium where you're given a choice to pick a low priority transfer or high priority, where you'd choose how many sats/kb you'll be getting. I'm thinking if I'd choose the lower one will that decrease my transfer fee?