HOW WILL THE TOKEN RNM ERC 20 BE USED AFTER THE ICO REANIMATOR COMPLETE?Almost 100% of the RNM ERC 20 tokens of the ICO REANIMATOR film project will be service tokens.
What does it mean?
After the introduction of the CRYPTOMOVIE blockchain platform in the API of Chinese cinemas, in 2019, the RNM ERC 20 tokens will be redeemed by cinemas networks under a contract between the CRISSE Hedge Fund and the China Film Group.
The visitor buys a movie ticket at the box office of the movie for cash for 5 USD. The Cinema API system automatically processes the payment. With the help of the CRYPTOMOVIE smart contract introduced into the cashier, of this amount, 2% are spent online to buy the RNM ERC20 token (the condition for selling the CRYPTOMOVIE license) on the Livecoin or YOBIT crypt exchange (in the future, using the Lighting Network without exchanges). In this way, an instant record is made to the Ethereum blockchain due to the smart contract CRYPTOMOVIE on the cost of the movie ticket, the date of its purchase and the title of the film.
Further, the accountancy of the filmmaker has thus a transparent grid about the amounts of its box office fees (in this case in China), without the possibility of falsification (as, unfortunately, this happens often in Chinese cinemas).
And the RNM ERC20 tokens thus automatically increase in price as their popularity increases, thanks to the box office movie in theaters.
In turn, the ticket buyer will be entitled to a partial discount on the ticket price if he uses the part in the form of RNM ERC20 tokens for payment.