I'm wondering which 6970 GPU I should go with?
HIS? MSI? Sapphire? Gigabyte?
I'm going to buy 2 of them, which card will overclock the best/produce more bitcoins?
I might get 2 of these.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127554I noticed someone mentioned bitcoin mining in one of the reviews, heh.
It doesn't really matter what brand...just find the cheapest one with a good warranty and you're all set.
Just make sure you keep the temps down. As to overclocking, your mileage may vary as even 2 6970's from the same manufacturer may have variances in its overclocking capability. Long story short, just pick your favorite brand and experiment with the clocks as only you will be able to determine how far you want to push the cards.