October 26, 2017, 10:44:25 PM Last edit: October 27, 2017, 03:41:06 PM by icoscamexposed |
#TO-THE-INVESTOR-COMMUNITY-BITCOIN-BITSHARES-BITTREX-BITSHARES-MUNICH-ECHO-INDUSTRIES-STEEMIT-EOS-DASH-LIGHTCOIN-ETHERIUM-BITCOINETH-KARKEN-BITTREX-STEEMIT-ICO-ICOMARKET-ICOSCAM-BLOCKCHAIN-ETHEREUMCOIN-WALLET-ETHEREUM-BITCOIN-STEEMIT-FESTIVAL-LISBON-ETHEREUM-BLOCKCHAIN-ETHEREUM-ETHEREUM-MINER-BITSHARES-COMMUNITY-OPENLAGER-ICO-MARKET-ICO-MARKET—KRAKEN-600BITCOIN-4000ETHEREUM We are an international Consortium which is involved in Digital Currency and BlockChain-Technology in the domain of #Fintech in #ecosystems, moreover, nowadays we have been building up #Startups and fledgling businesses. Our financial syndicate is an Investor of BitSharesMunich. The Management Board is being constituted by CEO/Co-founder #Christoph-Hering, CTO/Co-founder#Kenneth E. Sliver and CMO/Co-founder Rodrigo Crespo. On August the 23th we invested 100 Bitcoins and 200 ETH through #OpenLedger –Ronny-BoesingCEO, Annemieke-DirkesCOO and #Dr.Wolfgang-Hering (legal counsel and corporate lawyer of #BitShares-Munich and #Echo-Industries GmbH) #in-the #ICO-of BitShares-Munich for the concept of the #Blockpay-Token. Initially, we have been very much convinced that #Blockpay prospectively would be greatly successful in the financial world and therefore ensure economical prosperity for the entire #Digital-Currency-Community, as well as sustain profit for it’s private and institutional investors. At the time of our #investment, #Bitcoin added up to $600 and ETH to $18. Taken as a whole, #600-Bitcoins and 4.000 ETH Dash-Lightcoin have been invested over #OpenLedger. We‘ve had numerous forward-looking, constructive as well as productive conversations with the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) Rodrigo Crespo. Due to these and the concepts which were presented to us (which, among other things, included the expansion concept of #BitSharesMunich for Mexico), we drew the attention of our customers in Asia and Europe to #BitShares-Munich and the #BitShares.org plattform. We were convinced that this business would be a success. Despite our intense conversations with BitSharesMunich about our scheduled investment and our prospective and strategical considerations, Dr. Wolfgang Hering, #Christoph-Hering, #Ronny-Boesing and #Annemieke-Dirkes-failed-to-inform-us -about-KenCode’s-past. Through cogent evidence and in the course of our researches, which also lead us to #Annemieke-Dirkes, #Ronny-Boesing-and-Christoph-Hering, and in addition to the crucial informations, which were given to us by #Xeroc-Dr.Fabian-Schuh of #ChainSquad-GmbH, we came to the aforesaid informations about #KenCode. #Annemieke-Dirkes and #Xeroc-Dr.Fabian-Schuh have just then, immediatley after the acquisition of the #ICO, informed us about #KenCode’s past and moreover, warned us to enter into business with him. #Xeroc-Dr.Fabian Schuh particularly alluded, that neither the #SW-Blockpay, nor #Stealth-work and that there are no Coder at disposal to make the product ready for the market. Furthermore he told us that he, as one of the people in charge at #BitShares-Foundation, would exercise his voting right to stand up against the fielding of #Stealth on the #BitShares platform. For this purpose #(Xeroc)Dr.Fabian Schuh #Xeroc took every available #Stealth-Token of his friends and being equipped with the majority of them, he wanted to prevent #Stealth on the #BitShares-platform. An interesting aspect in this respect is, that capital was raised for both SW-products „Blockpay-Stealth“ with the #ICO-of-BitShares-Munich in order to make them market-ripe. Because #Annemieke-Dirkes-closed-the-BitShares-Munich-ICO-together-with-Ronny-Boesing, it has been very much a surprise and even more disconcerting to receive a warning from these exact two persons in respect to KenCode.
If there is an #ICO with over #300-Investors it is of great importance for our financial syndicate, that the promise to the Community, which is defined in the white-paper as well as in the #Escrow-contract, is being kept. This is an essential principle (corporate geovernance and compliance) to us and is meant to be a protection for the „small investors“ and to preserve the trust in #ICOs. There has been a weekly update by KenCode about the curent development state over the platform GitHub. The aforeside described approach regarding an ICO (invest the capital first and then warn the shareholders who hold the majority), as it was done by #Annemieke-Dirkes and #(Xeroc),Dr.Fabian Schuh, can only be percieved as grave deception.