you're saying people choosing what to mine is bad?
No choice is good but someone choice should not breake system.
At current stage we see that BIT coin is not stable in POW phase.
There should be better difficulty adjustment system.
Most system have 0 problems with time.
POS / POI / DAG / Obelisk - with POW you can only move with your miners away and broke system.
Miners doesn't care about bitcoin users/ecosystem at all.
that the network doesnt update difficulty quick enough? (how often does difficulty update?)
Man It was long ago that shoitcoins had to build diff adjustments mechanisms.
Sad part is that all be be broken and gambled more or less.
In reality market should punish BCH for x8 inflation rate but pirce is holding (LOL)... so market doesn't care about new BCH coins.
This is sign for us that something is broken. Some side have to much power big $$$ players who keep BCH price HIGH or miners.
At end there is conclusion something works not how it should be.
*** or that difficultly updates are akin to pool hoppers on a network level?
For me pool hooping here and there should be no issue event for network stability in long run other system that will have not that burden will win.
In POS/DAG/Obelisk people have no choice but support "mining" coin and keep network stable.
I remember form old times that pooled mining
how it forked many shitcoins we see how it will end with BTC.
Most common used tech was thise 3: read that :
As for Bitcoin, the ability for multipools to play a difference in the difficulty readjustment is rather limited due to the size of its network hashing power – which if we say is at 60 Peta hash – would require an investment of nearly $3million dollars to increase by just 10%. Bitcoin is very much safe from difficulty readjustments being taken advantage of by multipool miners.
no longer true