accepting payment in JokeCoins only.
there are a lot of coins out there that are JOKE"S do you have one in mind

this was a joke post to begin with
Dam don't you just hate being caught up in your own joke lmao
you don't know how many pms i've recieved of people trying to unload their shit coins.
lol shit coin's are some people only option to ever get any bitcoin via shit coin sales, sad but it is the only thing driving the shit coin factories. The way thing are going with bitcoin a hell of a lot of people are going to get burnt with it, the very early asic adopters will make some coin but those trying to get coin together to by a asic now maybe just be heading down a dead end road. When i first started mining a month or two ago bitcoin was around 7.5 million now it is up to 15+ million with a lot of avalons on there way out the door, not to mention the growing amount of open source designs getting to the finalization stage. It is not looking good the market may just end up flooded with these asic machine it could get to the stage that you need 110Ghs just to be able to get a coin or two a day. Then what??? every new coin is going down the scrypt path the last Sha256 type was bytecoin [that i remember] was raped by the asics trying to get a quick buck. Asic will have no resale value, no sour grapes just facts i setup 2 machines one 8core with 2X7970's and a shit cpu with 2X7870 have not come close to any type of pay back. But it is fun so it hasn't been a waste.