Looks nice, but if so, that 1/2 oz silver 10 LiteCoin round is still only worth 1/2 oz silver, about $10 -
If its current rate of 10 LTC =

at least. Not sure where you get $10.
Current price of silver is $21.81 oz, So that half oz coin is worth $10.90, it dosent matter what it says on it, you can put anything you want on a silver coin, its easy to do and it dosent make it worth anymore, silver is silver. It would be stupid to pay $20 or $30 for a $10 piece of silver.
I'm assuming that these will each be loaded with the private key to 10 LTC - like the Casascius Bitcoins. So $10.90 plus $23.79 plus premium to cover manufacturing costs and some profit for the guy making them. Gotta be looking at around 40 bucks each.
Yea but when you go to sell them no one is going to pay that premium you spent, so your losing money on them.. They are strictly souvenir coins. A big enough company puts any design on a coin they want and sell them for pennies above spot... apmex.com - providentmetals.com - I am a gold and silver investor, I never buy anything with a premium, because your just losing money on it, but thats just me...
Well if casascius silver coins are any indication, you are wrong.
When those first came out, it cost about $80. About 10 bitcoins at $4 each + 1oz silver at $30 + $10 premium.
Check out how much they went for on ebay recently:
http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sop=13&_from=R40&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&_nkw=casascius+silver&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&rt=ncGranted btc price is >$100 now, but the premium on these are still huge.
Keep on preaching it, no one believes you aquaman, we have seen this all before and the early adopters made out like bandits.
lol, preaching what? I said they looked cool, I would like to have one, im just stating facts based on experience. Amateur...
Name: AquaMan
Posts: 73
Position: Jr. Member
Date Registered: June 10, 2013, 01:57:40 AM
You are so experienced and trusted on this forum, I will defer to your great wisdom.
lol, keep making yourself look like an idiot. What does that mean, the date someone joined an obscure forum is the deciding factor on their intelligence and experience. Did you make a quarter million on BTC? Do you trade $10k worth of gold and silver on a weekly basis? Well, I will check out some other post's rather than waste my time here... lol
Did you make a quarter million on Gold / Silver?

Your salty comments are taxidermized here.
Good luck with your $1,800 / oz Gold investment..
While a single BTC is surpassing $9,400 now lol