June 24, 2018, 06:40:21 PM |
I was fully expecting you to receive some solid offers for this jersey, aside from the concerns laid out by people like OG (which are valid); then I continued to read through the thread, and you randomly threaten to "publicly humiliate" greenplastic for NO reason whatsoever. You might be a collector, but you are no salesman. $11,000 is a wonderful first offer, probably something you could have negotiated GP higher, or even used that as a starting point for an auction if GP was willing to wait and accept it. There's so many ways this could have gone better, even simply saying "There must have been miscommunication. I am happy to use escrow, but your offer was not attractive." 1.8 BTC for a jersey is a wonderful deal (or at least starting point), considering BTC price is going to fly soon and you could easily end up with $40,000+ for your jersey. You can't expect people to hear that you paid $25k and want to offer you a profit, or even consider it in their offer. Why should the price you paid matter if nobody else sees it as that valuable?
I would raffle this off, auction it maybe, or just hold onto it. $11,000 is most likely the best offer you'll receive, and you've already really hurt your reputation as a seller by being a complete asshole for no reason.
Edit : I didn't even realize how old this thread is. You would be a happy man if you sold it to GP. Now it's been sitting for a year.