Unconfirmed transaction means that the transaction has not been included in a block and thus has not been completed. Most recipients require at least one confirmation to complete the transaction, including Wirex.
Common reasons for unconfirmed transactions are:
You have just made the transfer. The Bitcoin network needs at least 10 minutes, on average, to include the transaction in a block;
The blockchain fee is too low or absent. The lower the blockchain fee, the lower you transaction's priority in the Bitcoin network. Therefore, the longer the confirmation will take;
The Bitcoin network is overloaded. Due to its limited capacity, the network simply cannot process transactions fast enough, especially during high transaction periods.
If your transaction is unconfirmed, usually you just need to wait. Most transactions get completed within a day or two (or more if the blockchain is overloaded).
In rare cases, transactions with low or absent fee may get stuck in unconfirmed status for over a week. In such situations, we recommend the following options:
You can accelerate your transaction. Search for a suitable one online, or ask our support team for recommendations;
You can wait. Your transaction will either be confirmed eventually or expire/get 'forgotten' and returned to the source wallet. This might take up to 14-21 days.
You can try the Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) method. Simplifying it, you can spend all funds from your wallet (e.g. send them to yourself). As long as your wallet contains "change" from the unconfirmed transaction, miners who support CPFP would be forced to include both your new transaction and your unconfirmed one in the block. Ensure your new transaction has a competitive fee. (Wirex support team has not tried this method on Wirex wallets, so we cannot guarantee it will work).
Please include this
link on your reply; its the site where you've got this from. Also be careful of frequently copy-pasting articles on google as it could result in a ban even though it isn't included in the rules (see
this thread for reference )
My bad, it's in the rules:
33. Posting plagiarized content is not allowed.[e]
33. This includes both copying parts or the entirety of other users' posts or threads and copying content from external sources (e.g. other websites) and passing it as your own.
you might want delete this asap before a mod sees this...