Please provide us with more information.
In Indian farmars peoples to produce A2 varaity milk . in that A2 grade milk quality is not good that reason the people income level also very low, by that way we are decide to make a decision grade A2 milk is converted in to A1 grade milk. Grade A1 milk quality and income also too good. In that process we are planning in the duration with in 2030. In that process is practicaly main pulating to start though fund collection in private sectors. Jerky varaites cow to expart we are planned. Because that cow milk is grade A1
Are you using a translator? Too bad, the message that you wanted to convey needs to re-phrase again by someone in your team or if you have a friend that at least can write acceptable english and that might give credibility to your project. If not, this will not go far. Considering that based from my understanding, your timeline is until 2030
I don't know how you can entice investors with this kind of plan.
And besides, it's a waves asset. From what I observed, the progress in waves is much slower when compared to an ethereum token.