I'll take e da83acc6773aced0e1c50bfc39f6e3254cf04773da2b2c8ba166ad268b8a7f49 paid
i'll take b
txid 0ff79201d657d15db2b8227e7975c815c33cc8a2484339bd05beeec048bb607b
Thank you guys! I wish you the best of luck in this one.. It'll be intense
That means we are down to just 2 lousy spots, filling this is not a reality!
Still awaiting some payments, hoping they'll come in soon so we can roll this once the last two spots are gone.
this has peaked my interest.
what are these selling for? the last sale I can find dates back to March and the person had wanted several BTC
This one sold for .35
BTC a week or two ago at auction. There is another on the forum for sale, a lower number for .32 I believe.
Edit - These are the newest Kialara's - The ones you found were older ones, that's why they are a bit more.
Just like owlcatz says, these are the latest pieces from Kialara. Sold out within minutes due to the low mintage for each of these bars (3 different ones).
So this is a great chance to get one of them at an amazing discount!