Haven't seeing you around for a while mate, I suppose every time one of your buddies trying to hostile take over the Bitcoin you'll show up to defend
Diversification and teaching us about decentralization, from your point of view, we should support more than one version of Bitcoin software, aren't we
Already doing what you always wanted? Bch, Btg and now B2x. all prone to fail in the long run.
running altcoin nodes does NOT mean you support bitcoin decentralisation. altcoins are not bitcoin
even as far back as
august segwit2x(b2x) was thrown into the altcoin realm.. it was the bscartel plan all along. bait the community to adopt segwit with a promise of 2mb base block.
bcause the community for 9 months refused segwit on its own..
..then backtrack and drop support for 2mb baseblocks by literally ip banning any node that was not cores segwit
its not the first time they done it and wont be the last.
core have gone full dictatorship and all people care about is FIAT value. not bitcoin utility(facepalm)