State Threatens to Kidnap Little Girl Because Parents Cure Her Seizures with CBD..."I would look outside my window just scared to death I would see a police officer and CPS here to take my kid."
It's a nightmare made entirely by the State. A little girl would be snatched away from caring parents for doing nothing more than healing their daughter's debilitating condition with a plant extract.
Even though medical cannabidiol (CBD) is now legal in Indiana, Child Protective Services (CPS) was going to take 20-month-old Jaelah Jerger—because her parents chose to use legal CBD oil instead of a harmful pharma drug. Fortunately, and ironically, this assault was stopped in the nick of time by an Indiana state legislator.
Jaelah suffered about 40 epileptic seizures a day, and was being seen by doctors at Riley Hospital for Children. They recommended the drug Keppra, with known side-effects of "drowsiness, dizziness, unusual tiredness or weakness."