[SG]Everyone wants to earn extra money in this game possible. The Game is simple, you send a specified amount of purse 0,7 BTC to 4 BTC. Then wait until the other person to send any amount to the same address and when the number of BTC will reach, when you can pay a large sum to the first player in two times, then the payment goes to the next player.
To follow the game here you can:
https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvIqk1HfCC5PdHBlaGdzRkhKb1h3UUk2Z3ppUHdRSUE&hl=ru&authkey=CNvO8bwIhttp://blockexplorer.com/address/1BqcUqENk4n9vciyaZJT9bxbAaSbUXVjipRound ends 12 hours after the last installment. + Last player receives 17% of those BTC.
Commission 2%, but doubles is the amount that came without the deduction of commissions
Address for rates: 1BqcUqENk4n9vciyaZJT9bxbAaSbUXVjip
After receiving payment, leave a note about this