What are the fees for the client and an agent to use the service?
Verification costs 10-50 USD (depends on region). Tokenholder can divide the half of it between him and a new user, who needs a verification. He should transfer tokens into stack on his backoffice. After that he willl receive a refferal link. Tokenholder can place it in some internet resources (website, social networks etc). When user (who needs a verification) follows this refferal link and pays for a verification ($10-50), he recieves a discount and the tokenholder recieves the rest part of the half of verification price. The tokenholder should decide (and fix it in his stack) in what proportion the half of the verification price will be divided between him and the user. The stack is a personal cabinet into which the tokenholder placed his tokens and generates a unique link with its unique price at which customers can get a special price different from the base price. The token is blocked for 1 month after it is called by the agent and then you can use it again.
Basic price 10usd=5usd (agent cost) + 5usd (kyc.legal revenue).
Special tokenholder price 7.5usd=5usd (agent cost) + 2,5usd (tokenholder revenue).
Tokenholder can choose his revenue in stack from 1usd up to full agents price.
What are the main directions of development of your project ?
Many countries and industries have specific rules on client relations. For example, it is incredibly difficult, nearly impossible in fact, to open a bank account or receive a prescription for a rare medicine without proper proof of identity. In the USA this concept is called Know Your Customer, or KYC. Our product allows the identity of users to be established and documented, so that going forward they can register for any services that require such verification by providing only that information which is required for each individual service. Our solution will help them to quickly and easily become verified users. We have created a product that makes it much easier to comply with client identification requirements. The product is made up of two parts: document verification through a mobile application, and verification of identity and documents with the help of a KYC.LEGAL agent. The entire process should take no more than 45 minutes, which is an all-time record on this market. We have a finished, functional application, which can already be downloaded and installed on both iOS and Android