Is there a way to check quickly that if a coin is based on ETH system or BTC system?
I know if you check the wallet addresses you can tell by if it starts with x0 or 1 but is there any other way? like how can I see on this website that if their coin is ETH based or not?'s not,
you can see about the facts of elastic.
Elastic Coin is known as XEL
Total Coin Supply: 100.000.000 XEL
Distributed Coins: 100.000.000 XEL
Elastic features the “Elastic PL” programming language
Normal nodes broadcast unverified POW/bounties
Super nodes verify work and broadcast verified POW/bounties
Guard nodes cross verify certain percentages of signed POW/bounties by supernodes to detect malicious behaviour
Because they are using their own nodes and built their own network and it can't be considered as the ERC20 token. As the competitor for the golem project and they are try to using their own network to give the more capability to manage their own project.
basically ERC20 token will be used the ethereum nodes to broadcast the transaction.