Why even mine it when difficulty is so high? Mine a more profitable coin and sell, then buy electroneum instead.
Im new to mining im mining from about a week, i mined just 0.1 eth then i changed to mine Etn because seems a good project and more profitable then eth, but if you have a link if what i should mine ill be thankfull.
Why is everyone on easy hash when it works poorly like that? There are lots of alternative pools when it comes to electroneum.
I personally use electroneum.hashparty.io or electromine.fr. They work as described and electromine even has a 0.5% pool fee (as compared to easyhash's 2% fee).
Same thing im just newbie and im stil experimenting, i choose that pool because the only person Who helped me introducing to mining and conf use that pool, just for that, but im gonna check your pool and try to configure it myself, thank you