To attention of all participants of our promo-company !!!
Please check the availability of your data in reports on these links:
Twitter bounty campaign:
Facebook bounty campaign: and strictly follow the company's rules, namely:For twitter bounty campaign: Post links to your Retweets / Tweets and Reposts / Posts till every Wednesday 23:59 UTC in the Bounty thread using this example
Week #
1 RT link:
2 RT link:
1 Tweet link:
2 Tweet link:
For facebook bounty campaign:Week 1:
*Links to your posts made in the 1st week*
Week 2:
*Links to your posts made in the 2nd week*
Week 3:
*Links to your posts made in the 3rd week*
Week 4:
*Links to your posts made in the 4th week*
Otherwise, your data will not be taken into account for the distribution of remuneration for participation in the bounty company.
Take part in our promo-company is possible from any day, the
bounty company will end on February 5, 2018.
Thank you for attention.