I broke an inductor off the card removing heat sinks from an aftermarket cooler.
It isn't a difficult repair if I can find the right part.
Card: Sapphire Radeon HD 7950 21196-00-20G
The broken inductor from the card says
The 1211BR part has been no help on the googles.
There are a number of inductors with a similar size and inductance at Digikey but I have no idea of what the current rating should be.
The part I am referring to is circled in red in this photo:
http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y416/stumbling-orangutan/7970_reference_board_zpsc55be3fd.jpgIf anyone has a clue re: the inductor or a dead 7970 reference board they want to part with please let me know.
Much obliged.